i'd like to use your ws service 1. Forum Name IGN : skete 2. Main Character IGN : skete, sketeu, skete1, n33k 3. How long you play until now : (how to check ? when and which your first char finish the early quest, like as Roger's Apple) oldest char rogests apple 12/25/2018 then returned 2022 4. How you get /scroll this item, or where you buy from, please provide screenshot when you bought in game or Selling thread link: bought the item on the forum unfinished https://royals.ms/forum/threads/71-14-4-slots-rc-71-11-4-slots-rc.238143/#post-1465463 Spoiler: picture of sale 5. The name of item, and how many slot you want to do : King cent, 4 slots 6. How you have those corresponding amount of WS (slot*rate)/Bcoin+meso : (sell leech, merchant, or anything you can make meso ; if borrow from friend, and which friend, list friend IGN and provide screenshot too ) i got a bulk of the ws on 9/30 for my shad items at my store (all sales documented) money made from merchanting, rg, very little leeching / farming
Maybe he will accept, he have two 24wa gloves https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-24scg-12-4-bwg-20scg.195469/
Are you interested in downgrading? I can offer a 130/18 Blood dagger + 3cs for the 131/18 Blood dagger