- Removed chatgpt's scuffed translation, added proper translation done by @biackcurrent , she translated the entire thing on her own, full credit to her and thank you so much! And thanks to @PinaColadaPirate for trying to fix the hot mess originally - 改掉chatgpt糟糕的翻译,换上了@biackcurrent做的正确翻译,她自己翻译了全部内容,所有功劳归她,非常感谢!
Added Korean translation, translated by ChatGPT and proofread by @ksnur . Also added 2 new sections, Players' Zerk showcase and Screenshots & Misc sections.
Hello everyone! I finally got to finish a video which i started working on awhile back which is basically a summary of what this guide is actually about, i hope you guys will enjoy it as i did in making it! A Dark Knight's Odyssey : Zerking the Impossible (This was originally intended to use as an entry for forum event contest but seems like they aren't doing video entries anymore ) drk rocks
Awlz is a really kind man who share his knowledge about DK and Royals. As a drak knight main player, I am gonna reach lv200 this month, it wont be a good memory if i didnt meet this legendary DK. Thanks Awlz for guiding all of the little DK in Royals to grow up, you made a big milestone of Zerking, you bring us to the whole new level about having fun in this game, make it more intensive and thrillfull. I am still trying hard to finish the Zerk Impossible boss list, I know it will be a long way to reach 0 die in each boss fight, but I will do my best! AH~I need to buy more safety charm now...bye
Thank you for the very kind words (also to the players who have expressed similarly to me in-game and elsewhere, even though i might not have said anything then, i remember each and everyone, so thank you all too) I will be looking forward to the completion of your zerk journey
The best way for a DK to level up to 200... is Zerking the Imposiible! Thanks Awlz figured out this coooool idea! Have fun with all of my friend~ What a memorable night Spoiler =""
My 1st deathless anego zerk attempt! Thank you @lxlx for the demonstration and guidance! Thank you @PinePine for editing the video for me!
Players been asking how to zerk this boss so... here it is! - Added Dunas v1 Thanks @PinePine for helping with this and for helping translate the dunas portion to chinese! pine90toostronk
Showcasing my VL zerk! Many thanks to @lxlx for the pointers and tips for optimising the way I zerk. Also thank you to @Donn1e for the opportunity to be in your VL runs and showing support to my zerking journey. I couldn't have done it without the both of you.
I'm glad that I can share my first recorded deathless run in vl (the actual first was in kekw, sad that I didn't record it T_T). Thanks for Jasmin VL for hosting this run. Special thanks to friendly Kekw members, @lxlx for giving tips whenever I have questions, @Fle who always grind with me, and everyone who text/vc guided me. I know it's still a long journey for me to become a reliable member in a vl team, but I will make sure to practice and improve in every single run in the future! https://www.youtube.com/live/eCZKBiuEYlU
Today is a memorable Royals day for me... First time passing Von Leon run with 0 death, dodge almost all of the skill from boss, gradually see the boss, me, mobs, teammates movement and position. The moment of passing the stage, it feels like finishing Olaf 11, and the goal that I set for myself, which is also like my graduatation. Still remember in June, I am discussing my dream of conquering Von Leon with my guild member in discord, and there was a heat wave that everyone were so eager to do this, kekw-vl-activation and vl little class discussion board were born. Thinking of the period of preparing for Von Leon Expedition, I still can feel the hot blood intill now. It's a bit genuin for an almost 30s adult that buring himself between Work and Family. But the whole things is that... when you are dedicated to this game, it's just like going back to childhood which you don't need to worry about anything. On July 27, first time to go to VL with my guild's friends, although I didn't zerk, still feel so busy and was totally in a spin. Tomb was falling likes the rain. Absolutely in awe of VL, and deeply recognizing how hard is the fluential action comes from pro player. From that day, I keep joining official or practice run, grasp opportunity of two times in a week. Remember that my first time of chanllenging Zerk VL full run, though I keep focusing in game 100%, I still die like 6-7 times. And my finger that press Unaggi and Spear Crash were hurt, the tendon just got burned. When I dyed every times, I even think about don’t ress me, cause I may drag down my team. When my guild finally passed, I feel so disappointed about my action and the panic mood. But after all of this, I think... It's the way you must pass for Conquering VL run. Everytime you die, you will need to adjust the tempo and apttitude about facing obstacles. Thanks for @Doo and the vice presidents, pro players coming from alliance build a friendly, enthusiastical environment for player to fulfill their dream. Shout out to Kaii positively invited me to join practice run, and my mate @ravencyan consumed mass of safety charms. (lol) Finally and sinserely, special thanks to my mentor Awlz, if it isn’t you open the gate of zerking the impossible, I won't feel such joyful moment and gaming experience. Love you all! Happy Royals~ 今天真的滿感動的...第一次零死通關Von Leon,並閃躲過大部分王的招式,慢慢可以看清自己、王、小怪、隊友的動作與位置。 通關的那一瞬間,就好像完成Olaf 11,以及自己所設定的、從遊戲畢業的目標。 猶記得六月左右,就在群組說想跟大家一起通關凡雷恩,在大家熱烈的鼓動下, kekw-vl-啟動與vl小教室 應運而生。 那段籌備VL遠征的時期,到現在想到還是感到一陣熱血。 這對一個介於而立之年,在工作與家庭間蠟燭兩頭燒的人來說,真的有點天真。 但整個過程,每當投入遊戲的時候,就好像可以放下俗世、又回到小時候無憂無慮的狀態。 七月底,第一次和Kekw公會夥伴一起打凡雷恩,即使沒有壓血,也是各種手忙腳亂,墓碑如雨落。對於凡雷恩感到敬畏、也深刻體會大老們行雲流水的操作有多麼困難。 自此,每周都會固定參加正式團或練習場,把握兩場的機會。記得第一次挑戰VL全程壓血,即使全心全力地投入,死亡次數仍達6-7次。而因為持續按回血與Spear Crash鍵的施力過於猛烈,食指的肌腱受傷了。在每次死亡等待復活的時間,甚至不希望被BS復活拖累到大家...即使最終公會通關了,也對自己的操作與驚慌的反應,感到很失望。 但我想,這就是遠征凡雷恩必經的過程,每次死亡就是重新調整節奏、也持續在調適心態。 感謝發哥跟副會長、各路大老們打造一個友善且熱絡的環境,讓玩家們能夠築夢踏實。 也感謝Kai哥積極地找我去練習團、還有Raven陪我一起消耗大量Safety Charm。 最後,特別致謝我的Mentor--Awlz老師,如果不是你為DK開啟一扇Zerk the Impossible的大門,我不會體會到這樣的樂趣與遊戲經驗。
Hello hello! I'd like to introduce an interesting way to gauge your zerk performance at anego! So for the first video, i ran with 100% autopot settings with PE, fully buffed and apple, and did it completely without zerking, which gave me a timing of 10 minutes 40 seconds which ill reduce 3 seconds to compensate for the fact that i forgot to apple and appled only 8 seconds into the run, which would be approx 10 mins 37 seconds(637s). Spoiler: no zerk full run apple Now that i have the non-zerk run's timing, the catch now is to divide that timing by 2.1 (since zerk multiplier is 210%), and this will get me the supposedly perfect zerk run timing (100% zerk uptime), which in this case would be 5 minutes 3 seconds (303s). Now in this next video, i did a petless run with exactly the same buffs, att pot and gear set-up, which took me 5 minutes 39 seconds (339s). Spoiler: petless zerk full run apple So when used in comparison it to the non-zerked run, i could gauge how well did i perform in terms of zerking! i had a 88% performance rating for this specific run! tfw having high avoid on my drk is causing me to lose rating Spoiler: math
Petless Anego? Done. Much appreciation to @lxlx for the feedback; I finally did it on my own . Once again thank you @PinePine for being my buff queen, personal editor and giving life to my video