Passed MW20 on the second try! Thanks for the service, and for letting me know when you were able to drop the price!
updated pricing: Gen 20 SVC is back! Btwn 530-540m Gen 30 SVC is down to 2.05b Mw20 SVC is stable btwn 2.9-2.95b averaging 1-1.5 customers per day~
Gen30! Was just going to buy a book and run it but glad I didn't because it took me 4 books to get it. Felt bad but Bunnymon was incredibly nice. Almost too nice. Anyways, go get the service, Bunnymon's a legend.
Really fast, responsive, and helpful service. Luckily passed Gen 20 on the first try! Would definitely recommend and will use again.
Im in China, but I’ve set up a representative to perform service during NA hours— while I’m available during Eastern hours!! worldwide coverage haha
Service is amazing, made a bunch of money, technically, cause I failed the first gen 20 book. Ty to Bunnymon/Poopymon for letting a noob not spend all his first hard earned meso for nothing!