1> 189 tma(17int+172)_2slot wand5 (pre 197 tma if 2 100% event scroll ) take offer Sold to @LuuaN in game as 4b 2> 190 tma wand 5 SB 1.8b aw 2b 3 > 39int 58lv female OA sb 2.5b aw 2.8b 4> 121wa 77lv maple spear 36acc Sb 2b aw2.5b Sold to @pogdog 5> 9 str 101 44acc 77lv maple spear (full str wa Sb 4b aw 4.5b wand 5 190 tma and 39int female OA and 101 spear those good Seem long time no buyer as gift to my good frineds ign: CathieLin 8/25 upadte 6> 88 DSC sb 10.5b aw 11b ( bought from forum ,choose not to finish it ) // Sold to @Moeyuki at 10.5b 7 > 110wa kc aw8b update price Sold to @Likeyuyu buying for help fiends VD 8 130/1 dragon kanzir good one for gatcha 140 if you do css 130/1 kanzir sold to Mobibi / @jzz aw 6.5b takecoin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024/10/27 update all my goby gear 110wa kc aw8b update price. Depends on now so many goby seller there ,it is not good for me to compete with them ,Cause getting busier and busier in real life. So I would add all my goby gear (not included glove shoe cape) all gobygear sold to @eleme 74/3 maple storm finger buying from @Pancako at aw 5b,So price would be at least 5b. hope someone finish it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S>104/14acc ski clean SB7b aw 8.5b and ws/cs as 470m no downgrade
Hi, i'm interested in your ele wand 5 with 2 slots! What's the s/b? Feel free to pm me in game ign: Bampie
110wa kc aw8b update price. Depends on now so many goby seller there ,it is not good for me to compete with them ,Cause getting busier and busier in real life. So I would add all my goby gear (not included glove shoe cape)
according Closed - S>Goby leech gear | MapleRoyals this threads my gear price will be below ( Some are as free for you my friend) 40str OA 4b 5140roa 3b 15/65 Maple knuckle 1.2b 15str/73 3slot storm finger 5b 11/80 fury claw 1.5b 21/89golden claw 2b 3/29 (=59 acc) lv 35 OA 1.2b 10str for free 11/22 bandana 350m 14 acc raccoon mask 2b 2 str and 2dex spiegelmann's necklace x2 free 12 str earing free 7str(full) 12dex 12acc yellow maple bandana 1.1b add forgot things: 15acc white racc 2b silver deputy star 11str 1b