Hello, do you still have HTP open for today? I want to buy another one in around 2 hours~ I sent you a whisper but I assume you're sleeping, my IGN is Saryel
selling today last 1run 90min 80m need 1200pe and hp 9600around mage 2200 around not enough hp lend hpgear(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
Hello, I'd like to buy a HTP for this weekend if you have availability. Your time zone preference works with mine so please let me know. Thank you!
Nice to meet you, our hours of operation are after 2:00 am server time. Please let me know your convenient time and ign after the above time on Saturday. I will keep 1run for you(´•ᴥ•`)
Hey, sorry I replied to your partner's PM so I thought you guys were in communication. We agreed to 0300 server time. IGN is precedexy.
Hello, looking to buy HTP for 2 characters. I tried to msg ingame but didnt get a reply. IGN SmartHam
Sorry for messing up, i'm too used to playing solo and clicking ok to revive right away, reflex I'm wondering if its ok to book another time? I can pay for the failed run as well. sorry
It doesn't matter. Everyone makes mistakes. Whatever it was we were not able to deliver the HTP to you so you don't have to pay any additional fees. The earliest we can do this is next week. If you still need us, please contact us at least one day in advance
sorry I'm new to the game with lots of question, I want to buy HTP service, is Shad with 5493 hp enough for VIP HTP? I complete Dragon Elixir Quest does that means I'm done with prequest?
Yes you can survive in HT at your hp with meso guard on and having dragon elixir means you’re done with the prequest.