I bought myself some Maplestory accessories as a Chrsitmas gift to myself! The cup came from a local bobashop and the rest I bought from the internet. You can see a small Snorlax sneaking behind the headset. Just wanted to share my new set up with the community! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! If you have any Maplestory accessories, feel free to post them here. Thanks!
They were partnered up with Maplestory. It is a nice little collection that I got going on. I also have a Yeti cushion in my room. Forgot to include that in the photo~ XD
Where can one get those keycaps? nvm I found them: https://hyperx.com/products/hx3d-keycap-maplestory-omok-set?variant=44267007344797
That's actually so cool, though pressing those emote buttons would feels kinda bulky XD ... ... ... We, players of MapleRoyals loves to invest in NEXON merchandise. We love NEXON for creating such a wonderful game and making MapleStory merchandise for us consumers and players of MapleRoyals. I have so many pink bean plushies made and sold by NEXON in my house and will definitely buy more to support NEXON. Thank you and we love you NEXON... ... ... @Daizunda.