Ever since the initial Christmas patch I have been experiencing multiple disconnections from the game which never occurred prior. The game hangs for a couple of seconds and then I am returned to the login page and prompted the 'Unable to connect' message. Tried the standard pre-requisite troubleshooting steps, based in the UK and not disconnected to any other applications (discord during VC for example). ISP: Hyperoptic OS: Windows 11 Pro Another mapler who is based in the UK is also experiencing this issue (who's with the same ISP) @minions Issue has been raised with ISP but wondered if there's any other troubleshooting fixes we can try.
Same ISP, windows 10. My desktop with an ethernet connection (i.e. LAN cable) and laptop with Wi-Fi both disconnects at the same time. DC occurs every 1hr give or take. Here are some key things I have tried to make sure the issue isn't coming from my end/pc. No new programs were installed or any updates were made (e.g. windows update) Changed to a different router - still dc every 1 hr or so Tested packet loss by -t ping Google DNS server in command prompt. No packet loss was found. Also checked Factory reset the router & Reboot the router Called Tech support of our ISP Hyperoptic to reset on their end and also check any packet loss which was advised by @Dave Deviluke and their response was no packet loss. Tried Mudfish VPN and issue remained the same I can only suspect 4 reasons why this issue is happening. 1. Hyperoptic made some changes in December to use different routes to reach Royal's server and one of the node is having the issue or cannot reach royals' server. 2. Hyperoptic made some security feature/update in their end which is affecting our connection 3. Changes in Royal's hosting server (Cloudflare) or in between Cloudflare with our ISP. 4. New anti-cheat or whatever security update you guys pushed for the Christmas patch is affecting us (if there was anything added).
Will check with Devs about the above mentioned issues 1. could be, we are unable to verify that 2. could be, we are unable to verify that 3. it's unlikely for Cloudflare to block anything from their end 4. the anti-cheat doesn't target by ISP - so if it really does affect players in an unintended manner, more players would be affected (not ISP or regional specific) In regards to points 1 and 2, there was a similar incident where only players from certain ISP would lag badly in Royals Turns out their ISP throttled the network to Royals, cause they prioritize the network for Fortnite https://royals.ms/forum/threads/massive-lag-and-dc-post-20-10-2020-patch.176167/ (just sharing an unlikely event that did occur)
I have checked with Devs, please do a ping test with the game server IP Game server IP is Additional note: 1 of the Dev is from UK as well, but using a different ISP with 0 issues, so it's very likely that this situation is ISP-specific
Instead of Ping, try using the command "tracert" with the same IP and see where it fails. After that you might know which node isnt letting you through to your Destination IP. Also you can tell if its looking up the name correctly.
Should be able to see results now Here's my ping - relatively high as I am connecting from SEA region to Royals
If a specific node is not letting us through, we won't be able to connect to the game. We can connect, it's just that we DC every hr or every few hours (random, sometimes sooner). I feel like "tracert" will not be helpful in this situation as I feel like the moment we DC, one of the nodes is throttling because it lags then dc. I've sent the game server IP provided here to the ISP for further investigation on their end.
Did not record the time of dc but I'll try to log them from now. Also, I was happening to be watching my screen and WinMTR screen while it dc, and when I dc no packets were received starting from the 16 Nr i.e. sw1.tc.on.ovh.net. When dc happens, "Request timed out" was printed from the ping test in cmd. Refer to ss below.
One more thing that comes to my mind what you can check is, if your Assigned Public IP is changing in that moment you are getting the disconnect. you got to check before you login and after disconnect if still is the same. Because that Problem ist just for some Pings. It might just be that.
They have forwarded my ticket to the network team as technical specialist couldn't look into it further. Still waiting on their end...