Problem: Players that obtained monster riding (hog and silver mane) prior to the new source release won't get "complete" in Olaf III and IV. The current solution suggested by the staff is getting monster riding and silver mane again (cost time and meso). This issue is tagged as Unfixable: Suggestion: Adding a line to Olaf III (and IV): Use XXX (only available to bugged old source players). XXX is the name of a USE item given by a GM in cases similar to mine. The line in the parenthesis is to avoid causing confusion to players that didn't obtain monster riding in the old source. Please don't say 'just do other tasks'.
Just do the quest again, it's not that hard. I'm pretty sure you gonna need to do it again in order to get silver maybe anyway. The better soon solution is obviously to fix it but maybe it's too complez
Please try to read: We know we can do the quests again, and I told you: or the same task. You said in your reply: So you know it's a better solution. Why don't you just chill somewhere else and don't try to stop people making feedback?
Your suggestion is not good in my opinion. because it doesn't solve enough of the issue. if you got a hog and want a silver mane, you would have to redo the quest anyway. I would assume same go for draco. so players need to redo the quest anyway. fixing it is the only solution that make sense. Burduning the GMs (probably the admins because they need to check some info about you), with the task of giving people an item is unrealistic, they are busy enough as it is.
I am making feedback to the staff. It is up to the staff whether or not this should be added. I am here because I was suggested by the staff to make a Feedback thread. It doesn't matter if I have either hog, silver mane, or red draco already on my character or not. If the staff decides not to read the feedback or not to consider the suggestion, then so be it. No need further suggestion as to how I play the game is needed from you, but I can tell you I have silver mane already. AFAIK I don't need to redo the quests to obtain red draco. If you don't want people to burden the staff, just try to be a GM and vote no to these issues. (Sound familar?)
When you open a feedback thread, it's not exclusively only for the staff to answer. We, as players within this community, have a right to answer and share our opinions too, cause you can't make a community-effecting decision when only 9-10 people has shared their opinion on it. As for my opinion, listen to it or not, I think it's useless. Why make a brand new item that will have to be manually distributed by admins/gms OR make a change within an npc to add a line when the simplest of solutions is to just do the quest again? We are not talking about doing the CWKPQ prequests again, or to do ToT prequests again. Silver mane / hog quests are fairly simple and doesn't require you to spend more than a couple of minutes of your time. I agree with TakeItEasy, this is not a good suggestion in my opinion. Others might think differently and that's ok, that's the whole feedback thread meaning - getting feedback from staff and players within the community as a whole. Feel free to disagree, of course, you have the right to disagree
Opinions and inputs that I respect: As for my opinion, listen to it or not, I think it's useless. As for my opinion, listen to it or not, I think it's useless, because ...... I am totally fine with players saying they don't think it helps. I am not tolerating comments like: As in #1, I know this method, and still he doesn't seem to have read the post before saying his opinion. This is just telling people to stfu and don't make feedback. Now let's do the real talk as to why this is viable and possibly do not cost much effort. (Again it's up to the staff to decide whether the effort is worth it.) Tasty Pink Bean 2025 (USE item) was recently introduced in the kerning city voting gachapon. It is a almost useless item, but it is added to the server. It seems that creating a USE item is not hard, so I am suggesting the staff to add a USE item. In some of the character issue posts, GMs distribute items to players to fix issues. If players say it is not good suggestion, it's totally fine and I respect your opinion. But saying "burduning the GMs" as a reason is like saying 'no, staff just don't even consider it'.
I dont really get what you want, you suggested an idea. I didn't think that it is a good idea, and I explained why. Noting the fact that it takes valuable stuff time is a valid point against this idea. At the end of the day the stuff read the feedback threads and comments and decide what to do. People are entitiled to have opinions read by the stuff. And yes "just do the quest" is a valid opinion. Anyway, I'm not gonna continue with this discussion any furthur...
If you don't understand something, just ask before you express your opinion about it. It is not up to us players to decide whether or not something is worth considering. great
There is a big difference however between making a use item and making a use item that has to be distributed by admins (yes, as of now GMs most likely can't see the necessary information) to individual characters. I know you don't like the wording, but your suggestion would be burdening the GMs. How is that not a good reason for a player to not want it to be implemented? We are talking about an issue that effects only a small amount of the playerbase that already has a workaround (which probably is faster then the suggested fix). In stead of the developers putting time in an issue that already has a solution and puts more work on our GMs and admins (that already have more then enough work to do for little to no compensation), I much rather see that time going into bug fixes that effect us all or the development of new content. While it is true that it isn't up to us players to decide whether or not something is worth considering, it is up to us players to let staff know that we think when it isn't. Just as it is up to us players to pitch new ideas like yours.
Honestly I just want an extra Olaf II step that doesn't need a PQ added so Ironman don't have to bend their rules to get the whole Olaf set.
I think old source characters should be unable to do the olaf quests entirely. This is because they've had enough time to progress already, so we should let the newer characters get a leg up on these old farts instead