Ok ! Discussed several days ago and check background, ty for buying +2RC bid time end, please tell me when you are ok to trade, ty~ Sold 119KC to @pizzamkpitza
Sorry for late reply because there were not much DSB information I can research, so it took me some time to consider. After check my bow sold record and compare them, sad is I can not take your DSB because 1st I sell bow for make meso, so I do not really need another bow ; 2nd I need to resell your bow, but DSB for me is hard to sell, even if I sold a lot of items before I will suggest you bid the bow first, after you win the bid, you can have time to liquidate!
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-21-bwg.241619/ This sold as 21B last week, price so bad now This 23BWG is already so cheap and there were some 23BWG sold 45B+ when recent months, do not want to downgrade 23BWG now
Ok, pm-ed you to check background Sure, background checked, waiting available time to trade @skete won , hope I can scroll another RC soon
Updated Removed 8/5BWG, I CS-ed it Added 24BWG or 12/4BWG, ez scroll Sold 23BWG to @CupsOftheRose 91/19RC to @skete 2nd 91/19RC to @ShadowBlast
Added 140wa 21LUK Dragon Kanzir 119KC Sold 24BWG to @Saledor , finished from 12/4BWG, scrolled 8/5BWG yesterday