As a Chief Bandit or Shadower with the skill Meso Guard, you can opt in to have the meso taken straight from Sylafia Loans™. That way you'll never run out of mesos for yourself. Do keep in mind that the debt collector may appear at any time and your kneecaps aren't safe...
As you go deeper and deeper into debt, your equipment starts to disappear.... let's hope you can finish the boss before you lose your weapon and are no longer able to attack
Staff were mentioning wanting a better way to assign the xmas giant snow pepe chairs. Here's my suggestion: Find the longest train in shoutbox (consecutive messages, excluding repeats from players already in the train, containing ONLY after removing whitespace/links/other invisible stuff). Every player who posted in that train gets one of the chairs.
Change the beginner skill "Recovery" to not heal DK above berserk threshold. This is extremely important and necessary
Change piece of crack requirement for Pap to bag of crack you buy from the NPC. When dropped in front of the reactor, has a chance to spawn two of them simultaneously, while forcing you to play as if Dragon Roar's screen-shake was active the whole duration.
If your character has over 420 int, it's now no longer dumb enough to believe in dummy scrolling and can no longer use 10% scrolls
The higher your STR, the more items you can hold per stack. The higher your DEX, the less you'll be affected by obstacles during jump quests. The higher your character's INT, the more likely a skillbook passes. The higher your LUK, the more likely an applied scroll is successful.
If you wish to be eligible to use smegas, you are required to have an alcohol breathalyzer machine hitched up to your computer. To post the smega, you must pass the breath test.
Heart stoppers should threaten to stop your heart. When they wear off they should apply negative 60 att spd and avoid unless you use another stopper. However if you use another stopper, the length of the debuff stacks. Make this like skill cool down so you can't just relog
Move this thread to the feedback section and pin it More trash + custom trash items in gach pools, with custom, memey, green line smegas Hall of Sigma forum ranking that shows people who've had the most infractions/discouragements/etc and a list of reasons for each one (I'd be on there) illuminate ht egg holiday event Manny speedrun event or literally anything involving Manny because he's based and we love server lore An intentional logical fallacy about a horrible event that happened during an irl meetup in London and we gaslight everyone about what actually happened, with the truth that nothing happened only being revealed when the server eventually shuts down after Yeezy becomes president for his second term in 2032 and he makes an executive order that somehow affects royals Hi Kim ily lolzor and Chok statues on maple island just fucking kill rmters irl and harass them idc about muh ToS when it comes to pigdog animals like rmt scum subhumans medication royals-themed sex ed video (cringe!) that keeps getting reposted and removed without any context until someone does a tribute for it and we actually have to stop posting it oh sorry does this count as spam because I don't give a flying pingas