Hello Chang. You added one line to your application (not what I was asking for) and triple posted in the Hollywood guild thread, therefore I have rejected your application. Please do not post any further applications.
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Kirkland 2 ) What is your age? : 21 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : Toronto . 4 ) Which languages do you speak? :English 5 ) Your character`s name: kevinxjacobs 6 ) What is your character`s level? : 183 7 ) What is your character`s class and gender? : bucc and male 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : Tastemybone, accension, oblivion, tease, unity 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : twice, once for an illegal smega which i didnt knoow exsisted at the time and another for telling someone to fuck off and they called me a HOMOPHOBIC SLUR so we both got banned 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : Some people on my bl are in it and they say it is pretty cool so I am interested as well. 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : yes 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : off the top of my head I know pureherion and mrbronkz are in it I know I know more but cnat think of right now. 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : Looking for a guild with people around my level who can boss and do other things as well. I am very activie I play daily and generally contribute to guilds I am in. 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules- yup just read over them 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? I ahve done every boss in this server multiple times. I krex everyday and ht when I can. I zak whenever someone needs help with it but not often
I'm not sure what to say here because I might be talked about in buddy chat. Spoiler If anyone else, this means JRs, would like to have you in the guild they are more than likely to reply but I'm, speechless?
Ya that was before I applied here. I applied and asked elsewhere and everyone kept rejecting me so I was upset I guess.I was wondering if I was blacklisted or something I dont do this to a mass audience just people who I know i could vent to. Like i didnt go to the fm and say anything or even in the all.
Someone else can reply regarding your application. I understand the possible frustration, hope stuff works out eventually.
Name: JR Ashton Ng IGN: Roilo (Rollo was taken) Level: 95 Class: Crusader Gender: Male Age: 19 Country: Singapore (UTC/GMT + 8) Guilds: Momentum/Chakra, (Currently in Guardians) Do you have any friends in Synergy: Nope, not yet, but I'm really hoping to mingle with you guys! > Why should we invite you?: To be honest, there's no reason, I'm only 5 days old in Royals and I don't have much experience in Maple, in terms of the end game content. Which is also why you should invite me. My goal is to pick your brains for knowledge and do what I've never done in my Maple years, to reach the end game, and possibly the highest level of the game. Have you read carefully our guidelines?: Yeap! Tell us more about yourself! : Hah, for some reason it's always hard to talk about yourself. I love to eat? I'm 19 this year as I've mentioned and I love to play musical instruments, I'm extremely competitive in sports/gaming (I hate losing ), and I binge on TV shows/Movies, and video games. Oh did I mention I love to eat? For now I'm waiting for my enlistment in the military so I have loads of time, and Royals have reignited the passion of Maple years back. However, back in the day I didn't have the opportunity to be a "Pro", bossing, merchandising all that fun stuff and I'm hoping to do exactly that here, hopefully with Synergy. As of now I stopped training my Crusader for awhile and the reason being I am training up a cleric, and in the future a bishop, to fund all that nasty HP washing for my sader, which I only found out about HP washing at level 94, because, professional. Btw if you want a reason why I left my old guild is because, the leaders of Chakra decided to go their separate ways, and made their own guilds ; Guardians by Ario, others merged with Existence. With so many key players that left, I just felt there was no point staying and I wanted to meet new friends, so here I am.
Name: Zac In game name: Zorine Level: 31 Class: Wizard (Ice, Lightning) Gender: Male Age: 17 Country (Timezone): America, East Coast 1) In which guilds have you been before?: I've never been in any guilds on this server. I'm pretty new. 2 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : No, I know very few people on this server. I'm looking to make friends though! 3 ) Why should we invite you ?: • How could you contribute to our guild? I can be fairly active, however for the near future I will be less so, due to exams and such. I'm always willing to help somebody if I can. I can't think of much else, but if you present opportunities, I'm happy and willing to try. 4 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules?: Yup. I like them. 5 ) Tell us about yourself! I'm a senior in high school, and I'm hopefully going to college this year to major in Environmental Science and Policy. I'm completely in love with nature and the outdoors, It's my passion. I play a little bit of guitar, just a few riffs and songs, enough to help me appreciate its role in music. I consider myself semi-decent at art. It's not very dedicated, but I have taken classes. I enjoy the creative process, and I have become fairly proficient at creating original pieces that aren't trash. I like to do hippy things like balance on a slackline and sleep in hammocks. I don't have much, I'm not very good at talking about myself. My maple career started around 2008, and since I was like 10, I wasn't very good at all. However, I still remember what the old maple was like, and I'm hoping to do a better job at it this time around. I'm willing to get serious and take my mapling to the next level, and I think that this guild will allow me to do that.
Sureeeee do! Thank you! <3 I realize you don't play as much as before. that's a shame. ): Wished I played earlier.
Name: Justin In game name: Examinx Level: 77 Class: Priest Gender: Male Age: 21 Country (Timezone): USA (EST) 1) In which guilds have you been before?: None 2 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : Petrify - she recommended that I join 3 ) Why should we invite you ?: Because Maple is more about the community rather than the actual gameplay. Who doesn't like a more lively atmosphere with another member?? 4 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules • By applying, you automatically admit that you agree and you will follow our guildrules / guidelines. Yes, read it twice. I'm the type of guy who reads over the fine print of anything...(Ok, no I'm not...but I read it twice! I swear!!) 5 ) Tell us about yourself! I am a musician/composer who plays games to escape the real world sometimes. A side of me likes to meet new people..but in the real world, I don't bring up enough manliness to meet those desires. Other than games I like to read and listen to most genres of music. I'm currently performing classical as a cellist but trying to expand my tools into electronic music --> music production / film scoring (wish me luck?? ) I LIKE TO DRINK! . . . with friends. No binge drinking though...blegh. Ok, maybe a little to build up courage to sing some Adele or Whitney Houston in karaoke..hehe......;; I like to think and observe a lot. Yeah, I don't think this is all necessary...but why not?? I love art, especially works from the impressionist era.. Ok you're probably getting tired of this...soooo i'll end here. I hope we can get along..even though it's through the virtual world but..who cares? ...Unless you guys are secretly the Illuminati.
Name: Daven In game name: Jokerz/Copyrights Level: 138/11x Class: Bishop/Buccaneer Gender: Male Age: 18 Country (Timezone): Canada/EST time 05:00 1) In which guilds have you been before?: Queens 2 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : Nope • Feel free to mention if they are still active or not anymore. 3 ) Why should we invite you ?: I want new friends, an awesome guild, etc. I like bossing, training and chatting. I'm a good candidate. I don't wanna debate here how awesome I am, lets keep it simple • How could you contribute to our guild? 4 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules • By applying, you automatically admit that you agree and you will follow our guildrules / guidelines. Of course. 5 ) Tell us about yourself! • Feel free to post a youtube video or a photo if it helps you with your answer. I'm a paramedic, I like medicine and such. I play videogames and milsim airsoft.
We accepted your application in December but you never contacted us in game )-: contact a (jr)master to get an invite! welcome.
Name: Hope Basden In game name: Kallas Level: 1xx Class: White Knight Gender: Male Age: 21 Country (Timezone): Canada (Atlantic Timezone) 1) In which guilds have you been before?: Home for about a day when I had just started and Guardians before the leader deleted it. 2 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : I don't think I do. I've been playing for a little over a month but haven't made many friends since PQ's and they don't play much or at all. 3 ) Why should we invite you ?: I'm pretty nice and friendly. I love joking around and helping out. 4 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules Of course, as an openly gay man respect and maturity is exactly what I'm looking for in a guild. I deal with enough immature and disrespectful bullshit in the real world. 5 ) Tell us about yourself! Well.. like I said I'm 21 from Canada and my name is Hope oh and I'm an alcoholic vegetarian. mwahaha I like music, computer games, t.v series, beards, alcohol, coffee, glasses, cheese, gummy candies, partying, bleh I feel like I'm trying to describe myself on a dating site, I always struggle with these "about me" sections! EDIT: Why did people get to question 15? I only seen 5..
Hello Hope! The shorter application is the more recent version :> that's why you only have five questions. Contact a (jr) master for an invite! welcome