I have decided not to sell items auctioned previously in this thread. My apologies to the bidders. Spoiler: Original Post (No Longer Selling Items) Hello, I am selling: 13 BFC (118 HP, blue): c/o: 6.2b by @CristianoRonald a/w: 7b 17 SCG (purple): c/o: 6.1b in-game by ThreeZ (09:10 server time on 01 Mar) a/w: 7b 11 FS (blue): c/o: 8.6b in-game by Blanchy (18:50 server time on 01 Mar) a/w: 9b For any item, bidding will close 30 hours after last uncontested bid. accepting: ws/cs - 500m ea downgrades
sorry, I didn't see this earlier. I value 11 bfc at 3.1b. your offer is then 6.1b. then, you are the current offer. ty.