Landed spike scrolls on my FS, got a cs scroll from gm event, and got 3 ws from 35 tix last night. Been gunning for the spike scrolls to pass for 190 levels lol
I finally did it! I was snuffed from a party as a young Bishop as someone 'had a bishop mule" Well today I finished my journey. My Hero hit 120 and hit 4th job, and I now have a complete set of 4th job characters Now I have a mule of everyone else. I have some duplicates, but I went with whoever was first from each job for this image.
Total scrolled 119KC*60 in these 3years, 1 for myself using and 59 for else ppl, thanks for all pro bucc buyer and trader @Pastax3 @lovekimkim @Hornfail @TuckBuck @NanashiMumei @SirEcho @Sherbourne @Ravia @StupidChen @FlameHit @TiltedGinna @Illya @KuKuSI @3tard @LikeBe4r @Pezo @HSpada @MaiDangLao @iTokage @Donn9e @Cale @Savron @TeddyBone @Baryon @RedJasmine @FKQU @RadiantSSJ3 @3sat @mirucha @9m88 @Shenzii @Lenick @Navelludd @DrakoTheBucc @Audr @Gatling @FishandCh1ps @Stoertebeker @Quach @Gifflar @Rhogan @Slinks @Facilitation @yoosky @Beane @TopBoySes @Hyliana @obamabucc @Lapjeskat @WealthBanks @NotPineapple @Yuizaki @WasabiPoke @Jupy @Aurorian @FredSi @Helaena @Elrena @pizzamkpitza @Moeyuki So when nerf bucc
it's not any massive accomplishment like the rest of the pros here, but i finally achieved something i wanted to do for a long ass time. I've managed to zerk all of the run (in royal guard + core blaze) and at least 70% of the time vs auf itself (first time!!). I'm very proud of myself :3 Huge thanks to @NaeNae for many helpful tips ^_^
Did CWKPQ in a long time and the mon looter (Attacker for mon) Looted not 1 but 2x 8attack mon in one run! Also a decent bonus with a 5attack bfc clean So a wet cwkpq! (finally)
Managed to get to lvl 85 (screencap a while after i leveled, lol). I have not ever leeched. Trying to get some collecting medals and that 800 quest medal as well. Helps diversifying the grind.
10 from Shrine gachapon yday (about 1.8k tickets) and my first lvl up in months today! Pally almost 180.
first post here so ill bring my latest luck stories never hitted x2 5 with cs before on my shad was 1/1 dropped in cwk then 60% luk 1/1/1 4 slot 2 cs failed 2 cs worked pretty amazing +4 +5 luk