What should we call you (First name/nickname): Joho Time zone/area: EST/Michigan IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Notjoho What other characters do you have? Assassin, Pirate How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Just a few weeks Previous guilds (if any): Have not been in a guild for a while. Why would you like to join Northern?: Looking for a casual and friendly guild to level with.
Hello @toushiro54321 ! sorry for the delay. I will be online most of the day semi-afk on Eikrem or Woiff, please reach out and I can add you. @Hayes4jm Same applies reach out to me in game, or another Northern Jr and we can add you. Welcome!!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Onlytans Time zone/area: ESt IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Reyley/ NL What other characters do you have? A bishop, and a DK How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 8 months Previous guilds (if any): iQuebec, Quebec, Canadians Why would you like to join Northern?: Lookign to do group content and help others!
Hello we are still recruiting! -Mostly based in North-America but we accept anyone! -Active, friendly and casual; -Active discord and helpful chat; For end game players we host a 15~18 man VL run on Saturdays, and 12 man run on Sundays! Happy mapling!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Thorny Time zone/area: USA West Coast / Pacific time IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: 121 Bucc 121 Paladin What other characters do you have? 140 Bishop How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3-4 months+ Previous guilds (if any): None Why would you like to join Northern?: Northern was the first guild I had any interaction with. Been playing solo and never talked to anyone in game so far. A few weeks back when I was training at Gallopera's one of Northern's members (Semitomato? Sry i cant recall the IGN now) was the first to actually offer me an Echo (had no idea what it was at the time, never experienced Maple past level 90 or 3rd job since my school days) to help me train while probably seeing me struggle with my damage being a fresh and no-fund player. Was a great experience and took note of the guild back then. Later I ran into Eikrem and expressed my thanks to the Northern members. He was great and actually encouraged me to submit an application to join. At the time I kind figured that a low level 90 toon probably wont really add anything to the guild so I declined and said once I have a 120 level toon I would submit one. So after a few more weeks of training and self leeching here I am. Being brand new I figured a Bucc and Paladin would be ideal given its support skills, and HP pool, and beginner friendly nature. Looking forward to slowly learning about the game and playing more content as I start to hit a wall on pure solo grinding. I usually set up shop in FM during daytime and play later afternoon/night.
Hello Thorny, I remember this! That would be our very own @Quach he is genuinely one of the sweetest people I have ever met and we are so happy to have him in Northern! I will be online for a few hours tonight and most of tomorrow. Please reach to either Eikrem, or Woiff and we'll get you added!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Kowasu or Aly are fine! Time zone/area: EST US/Ontario (Moving to London this month!) IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Kowasu (F/P Mage) What other characters do you have? She's the only one so far.. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: New to Royals Previous guilds (if any): N/A Why would you like to join Northern?: The time I have spent here has been 100% solo and I want to enjoy more of what the game has to offer, and make some new friends along the way! Since you're an NA guild (and even better, Canadians) it seems like a nice fit!
Allô @Icysushi ! Désolé pour le délai, est-ce que tu joues encore à Royals? Ça va me faire plaisir de t'ajouter! En passant, j'étais JR dans iQuebec, Quebec et Canadians donc on s'est peut-être déjà croisé ! Les 3 guildes sont mortes maintenant.. Hey @Kowashimasu, nice to meet you ! I am online at the moment and will whisper you. Welcome to Northern!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Tim Time zone/area: Toronto/Ontario (Canada) IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: SlimTim10 (Hermit) What other characters do you have? A cleric and a bandit How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: ~2 years Previous guilds (if any): N/A Why would you like to join Northern?: I've been playing solo for too long. I want an active community so I can chat with other maplers and help each other out! Eventually doing endgame events together.
Hey Tim! We're so happy you've expressed interest in joining, I will be online at either Eikrem or Woiff most of the day, please find me in cc15 fm and we'll get you added!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Leni/Doge Time zone/area: EST/NA East IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: DankDoge/Magician What other characters do you have? Hunter How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2-3 years Previous guilds (if any): can't remember Why would you like to join Northern?: I made a hunter when I first joined Royals but got bored/frustrated trying to level him. I would like to do the PQs and be among good peeps.
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Gabe Time zone/area: CET (Norway) IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Anguish (9x priest) What other characters do you have? I don't have any yet. There is much grinding to be done before I can start an attacker How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: I played briefly in 2020, then quit until just this week! Previous guilds (if any): N/A Why would you like to join Northern?: Isn't it only natural for a Norwegian to feel drawn to a guild called Northern? I'm looking for a comfy guild to hang out in as I start the long process of progressing through this mushroom game. I'm also very clueless when it comes to most of the custom content on this server, so joining a guild with veteran players is sure to be of big help!
Hey guys! Back from hiatus!! Et je parle français si jamais on est pas mal lol. What should we call you : JJ Timezone : Unsure (GMT-5? I’m in Montreal. Character to join guild : DipsNPullups (9x crusader) Other chars : MrDeadlifter (12x F/P AM, ShutUpandHS (8x HS mule), Blacksquare (12x corsair, Montreal (8x CB) How long have I been playing : On/off since 5th and 6th anniversary. Other guilds : Magi (quit because too messy) Diversity (loved it but was inactive for months so got expelled) Why join: I wanna make friends, help out, and join parties/bossing, I’m currently self-leeching my sader to main Hero! Also I applied months ago but there was no recruitment at that time.
Hi JJ! I'll be online on either Eikrem or Woiff, please reach out and we'll get you added. Welcome to Northern! @faulty waffle iron same for you, please reach out to either one of my characters!
What should we call you (First name/nickname): Fullgrim or Grim Time zone/area: GMT+1 ( Belgium) IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Fullgrim(Hermit,77) What other characters do you have? I don't have any yet. I'm new on the server, i'm here about two weeks How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: I used to play maplestory 2004-2006 Previous guilds (if any): Nextlevel ( No activity) Why would you like to join Northern?: Hello, i'm an active player and want to be in an active and interactive guild, making friends,doing PQ, ect. Je parles français aussi , je parles le portugais et je peux aider en espagnol ( pas un astre) x) En tous cas voila, thanks
Hey man I’ve been trying to reach you for the last couple days usually around this time lol, I’ll be on longer this weekend so I’ll keep trying!!
Haha sorry I've been traveling the last few days, I am online now if that works! You can always message someone in Northern and we can get you added. Our hangout is cc15 fm. Welcome! I am online currently, and should be semi-afk during the day tomorrow so we can get you added!
Hello Northern is still recruiting! -Mostly based in North-America but we accept anyone! We have quite a few European based players! -Active, friendly and casual; -Active discord and helpful chat; For end game players we host a 15~18 person VL run on Saturdays, and 12 person run on Sundays! Happy mapling! And are ready to prog the heck out of Pink Bean.
What should we call you (First name/nickname): James Time zone/area: PST/United States IGN/job of character you wish to join the guild on: Drena(BS). I don't have many guildless characters that I'm actively playing on rn... I hope you all are okay with a mule joining! ;^; What other characters do you have? Lvl 200 NL, Lvl 17x Drk, Lvl 15x Bucc, Lvl 15x OG Shad, Lvl 14x FP Mage, Lvl 14x IL Mage, Lvl 130 SE Mule, Lvl 119 Pally. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Played since 2016 on and off so about 8 years already. Previous guilds (if any): Heroic (current), Bloom (current), Disco, Reborn, many others. Why would you like to join Northern?: I'm looking for a tight-knit, friendly, and active community to be apart of. I want to find another family here and Northerns sounded like it could be one for me. I also think I can achieve my current in-game goals here with other veteran players! I'm definitely interested in joining VL runs again. I am also happy to help anyone out along the way and making new friends!