First paladin probably S tier just for threaten. After that they're not quite as good, but it is *very* satisfying to heaven's hammer all those mobs
I don't play anymore but I was interested in this list. What I found interesting is Hero ranked highly in something and NL rated low. Is Hero actually good at VL? I'd assume for clearing mobs, but I'd initially assume Buccs would make them unnecessary.
From my own testing at ht preheads, threaten is useless. Exact same comp and players running b2b ht, 10 minutes both times.
After clearing 12 man vl, here's what i think about the current class tier list for von leon S TIER: Drk : BS : I don't know if there will ever be a successful run without BS, pretty much the most important class in vl for its rez and holy shield. Heal is also a lifesaver when it comes to laser. Bucc : Amazing single target dmg and one of the best class to deal with golems, they also have snatch which is a better form of crowd control than monster magnet as it also does damage. Also, TLs help keep rez from being used up, increasing margin of errors for any given run. However, this class has a higher difficulty than other classes when it comes to avoiding von leon attacks due to their long attack animation, but regardless, the benefits of bucc far outweigh the negatives, def S tier. Shadowers : OP for von leon. This class has high AOE damage and decent single target, on top of that, they hardly die due to meso guard, shifter and high avoid, and if they're good enough, they can iframe rocks, and also, they can use assaulter to also dodge rocks. The only negative thing i can see about shadowers for von leon is, they don't have any crowd control ability. A TIER: Hero : Decent mob clear, with the ability to dispel def + crowd control, and their combat style of being able to weave in and out while clearing mobs makes this class A tier imo, however, they are lacking in single target dmg when compared to other classes which is why i think it's only A tier. B TIER: NL : One of the best single target dps, with high survival skills like shifter and flashjump and the ability to complete von leon jail room in the fastest average time makes this class a decent addition to any squad. However, von leon spawns tanky mobs too often which they have trouble dealing with and their heavy reliance on SE makes this class just B tier. Corsair : The best single target dps, i think this class is player dependent, so it varies from player to player. Boats suffer against gargoyles though as they hit too hard, so i'm not entirely too sure about how to rank this class MM : Great when paired up with NL, i think MM is better than BM in von leon mainly because they have better aoe to deal with summons. Their blind on von leon can help save some people from death so it provides better utility as well when compared to their counterpart BMs. C TIER: BM : Useful for their SE, and has slightly higher single target dps than MM, but that doesn't make up for its weaker utility / aoe clear than MM. Paladins : Their crash is useless here, threaten is... whatever imo, single target is decent but i think their AOE is really bad as ACB has such a short range, and mobs are generally too spread out for ACB to be effective. F TIER: Mages : F... Here's the link to create the tier chart for anyone that wishes to contribute as well to this thread
from @nut 12man VL video obviously , don’t need nl / sair / se and shadowers are actually better than warriors
For 12man setup: S-Tier Shads: Ultimate god tier class for VL. 2 Heroes/DKs make up shad AoE dmg and they just destroy the golem mobs. Heroes and DKs are good at mobbing too but since they only hit 3, their job is really to focus on mob control and keeping the mobs together for the shads to blow them up. Shads in VL are the master class and every other class basically supports them A-Tier Bishops: Pretty self explanatory. Other responses cover everything I need to say. Buccs: Great single-target DPS along with great mob control. I'd put them in S-tier along with shads, but their long animations can leave them vulnerable to death. From what I've observed, their DPS gets heavily reduced during B3 due to them having to use barrage + DS to stay safe. I don't have a bucc nor do I have any idea how to play one; this is all just from observations. B-Tier DrK: If the DrK's skill level is flawless, I'd say they're better than heroes. The reason they're in B-tier along with heroes is due to their single target DPS being overshadowed by shads and buccs and also because their mob attacks is only limited to 3, so you can't even hit all the gargoyles or golems. I think DrKs along with heroes should just focus on mob control with their rush/monster magnet. Still essential to have atleast one though. Corsair: In the right hands, I would take this class over NLs any day for a 12man VL. They have arguably one of the best single target DPS and they don't need SE so you can just replace SE with another shadower. Put 1-2 sairs in a full shadower party and just have them blast VL in smoke. With their bullseye skill, they can also keep consistently hitting VL even while mobs are up to keep that DPS going. It sounds good on paper, but I don't think a sair has been present in any 12man run just yet, but I see this class as sleeper OP. C-Tier MM: Same exact reason as above. NL: ALso same exact reason as above. D-Tier BM: This class just becomes useless when mobs spawn. They have very okay single-target DPS, but I'd rather just take an MM. Paladin: Don't take this class for a 12man. Just take another hero/DrK if you need a warrior. They don't provide any utility either. F-Tier gg mages. atleast they got pre-nerfed rose garden to shine
Just sharing my own opinion about this to explain why I made the party composition as it is: S: Shads and Buccs complete each other, shad being the best gargoyles clearing job, while bucc being the best golems clearing job. They're very close in damage in both multi and single target and both have their ups and downs. The amount you should take from each of them depends on your strategy and I think any combination of the two can make sense. A+: It's hard to place DRK on a tier list since the sample size is 1 player, but if i think about a theoretical situation of an average geared DRK who is able to zerk, this is where I'd place it. DRK has less fluid gameplay than hero and you can't mindlessly jump and attack or party lead on it. But what it lacks in fast gameplay, it makes up in damage, and I think that fact alone is what matters the most when you pick a warrior for your run. Having that said, I strongly believe that taking more than 1 warrior will drag down your run. A: Hero is just ok. It can help with controlling mobs, and it's a very friendly job to party lead and to call/time different VL skills while playing. However, when it comes to actual damage - you can't rely on it to clear mobs properly and you would want literally any other melee over it in single target. If you don't have a DRK to take, then a Hero will do ok, but having multiple of those will definitely leave you with no time on your hands to complete. B: MM/BM are in a bit of a weird spot right now. DR was removed, does that make BM slightly better? BM has better single target damage, while also having the ability to slow down golems with hamstring. MM has better mobbing skills and blind to help you avoid more deaths - tho lets not kid ourselves, both have absolutely trash mob clear. I'm not sure which one I'd take over the other in the current version - but I am sure that if I wanna push the party size I won't take any of them. C: NL being good was an illusion for a long time (atleast in my opinion). In a boss that is so centered around mobbing it's difficult to rank it any higher, as NL's mobbing is very much trash, even while being able to hit 6 targets. It's also worth keeping in mind that for NL to mob you need to have perfect mob control, if there are golems running around, you will just lose all your DPS. NL single target damage is very good tho, and that combined with easy gameplay and short jail is definitely valuable when running bigger party sizes. D: Pally sadly got really screwed in this boss, you have poor mobbing ability (acb bounces in a weird way and is likely to miss most of the mobs unless theyre cluttered) and using hammer in the middle of golems can earn you a very frustrating death. Single target is ok, but as I explained before single target is not the main concern, and if you can't contribute enough to mob clear, you are already dragging the team down. Sair on the other hand is an interesting one. Unexplored potential? maybe... However, there's an undeniable fact that 1 gargoyle spawn will almost entirely destroy your ship - and that's not something you can prevent with skill. To make a sair viable with mob clear you need to: 1) Have a smoke party set up 2) Smoke only gargoyles - 4 shads rotation (which I strongly believe is not the correct way to smoke currently) 3) Sacrifice a shad You can make a sair work in a small party size, but I'm not sure the cost will be worth it. There's also the skill gap that comes with this job, and I've only really seen one sair on the server so far who was able to play that job very well in VL (shoutout @cagedmercury) These are my full thoughts, I didn't include bishop as I try to only rank attackers, there's no run that can exist without a bishop anyway.
actually i think drk does similar single target dps or at least on the same level of single target dps as shads and buccs, or maybe even higher , because iirc, when my drk was 14.4k range and did the krex dps test thingy, it only lost to a 12.9k shad (momo) by a small margin (was like 20 secs diff), and at that time, my drk was pretty scuffed when compared to momo's shad.
Please keep in mind i haven't played every single class and these ranks are based off of the overall usefulness in VL and also whats brought to VL runs. since VL summons Mobs I ranked classes with better Multi-target moves higher then single Target moves
Compare 16k to Jack 13.5k so we know more Knowledge is power (I hope to have actual input on this thread soonTM)
Curious about what's everyone's take on vl class tier list 2.5 years after VL was released. This boss is still too shad/bucc/bs-centered imo. Other classes deserve some love. Balance patch, please.
We're playing DrK. Obviously we do not care about fun things. We have no feelings, we are dead inside. We purposely hurt ourselves to feel barely 49% of the pain of death constantly. We don't allow ourselves to heal. We're broken inside.
Since @PinaColadaPirate asked me so nicely I'll also give my input (tho I'm sure not many people care about tiers in this boss anymore, time to yap anyway). I feel like I learned a lot more as the meta shifted a few times, my old tierlist doesn't look that great honestly In my opinion, since most groups are experienced and you will always have decent golems clear with a base of ~7 buccs/shads in your run, the "filler" jobs are better valued if they can provide fast garg clear or main boss damage, rather than golem clears. S: Shad - The obvious choice for S tier thanks to their best 4 targets damage in the game, which speeds up the runs a lot and makes them more comfortable by getting rid of Gargs fast. On top of their great damage they're also inside smokes for most of the runs and reach their "perfect conditions" DPS much easier than other jobs. Bucc - The more I run this boss the more I'm convinced that Bucc is the best job. It will take care of double mob waves with ease and group Garg spawns when they get pushed away since Snatch reaches further than Boomerang Step. Their single target damage is amazing and their utility is a must, which probably means they're the only real must have attacker in this boss. Bishop - Bishops are no longer just for res and hsh, nowadays they're doing heavy lifting with Golem/double mobs clears, a must have job for obvious reasons. There is also no need to bring Warriors anymore, Bishops just take care of def even without leaving their parties, just use the one thats in ranged party or a small party (4 or less members). B+ I skipped over A tier just to make it clear that the gap between the jobs in S tier and the rest is at least 2 tiers. Any job from here on can (and should) be skipped if you want to push for the optimal party comp. Sair - I massively underestimated this job in the past. Out of all the non Bucc/Shad attackers, this is the best job to take on runs (given the player is efficient). - Doesn't require bringing SE. - Single target damage is great. - Will outdamage your buccs during Golems. - Lacks a bit during Gargs, but Splitters combo is not as bad as you might think. I like bringing a Sair to small runs lately, as long as you have a solid Bucc/Shad foundation a Sair will make your run feel smooth and fast (and a bit more inclusive ). B: DRK - a solid choice for a "filler" melee. They don't need to manual pot anymore, so they're just an upgraded Hero in the current meta. Golem clear will be pretty trash, but at least 2 of the 3 Gargs will die pretty fast (they can't hit all Gargs when on top of the boss). They're much worse than Bucc/Shad because of the lack of utility and target count, but are still the most useful Warrior for what it's worth. C: NL - For the reason I mentioned at the start, single target jobs are a bit more valued than they were in the start of the boss. NL is definitely ok to have in small runs, but the fact that they also require SE and lack decent damage for Gargs just makes them an inferior Sair (how the turntables). Hero - Everything I said in the DRK section, just weaker. MM - MM and BM are very close together. I used to think BM > MM cause on paper Hamstring + Arrow Bomb seemed like an OP combo to help prevent Golem leaks. In reality Hamstring just prevents Golems that are far from the center of the mob stack from walking back, and you actually want them to be able to walk fast for smoother mob clear. MM has slightly better mob clear and Buccs will always be there for SI in VL, so for that reason they're half a tier above MM. C-: BM - The reason for this is described above ^ D: Paladin - Seems like an odd place for Paladin, since it is a melee and it whites most of the Golems consistently? The problem with Pally, is that it's only a Golem janitor, nothing else. It's very good in inexperienced parties, but since the meta evolved and groups got more experienced, Pally's ability to prevent golem leaks is no longer needed. It has trash Garg clear and often separates them, and it can't provide good boss damage either. For those reasons, Pally serves no purpose and doesn't give any benefit to the party except for being a filler. You do not want this job currently in small/efficient parties.