UPDATE: Spoiler Spoiler: Steam Summer Sale Steam Summer Sale has started!! What will you be buying? I have already bought a few Visual Novels Eden*, NekoPara Vol 1, etc. I'm planning to get GTAV when it goes higher than 30% Bought it (; Hi! I am a Avid gamer but sometimes I just wound up playing the same games. But at the moment I'm currently trying to beat a game. Please keep it spoiler free! And feel free to post a picture c: So here's my post to you, What game are you currently playing? (aside from Royals ^_^) I'm currently on a vacation and wound up having free time outside, and I'm currently trying to finish: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS c: And I think I'm like half way through it o: Only took me 3 days haha (PS, first time playing any LoZ Game!) PS: I'm trying to finish Danganronpa 2! BEATEN! I totally recommend this game series c:
The only game I play seriously is royals. I play dungeon crawl stone soup when the server goes down though!
-Royals -F-ZERO GP LEGEND -Tryna finish LoZ : Spirit Tracks -Just started this WoW vanilla server a few hours ago https://en.nostalrius.org/ (no advertisement intended pls no ban) -Gotta finish my backlog
Are you talking about this? http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_US/play/browse.cfm?N=251+506 Personally, my favorite one is Pony Dance Party!
Yes. While solo, I play: Warcraft 3 CS GO Smite And a bunch other games. I can make a whole list OF every game I've played too.
Besides Royals I play some osu!, League, maybe some WoW, Warcraft3 and some other games that names I don't remember right now!
I play (in this order of activity)... MapleRoyals osu! League of Legends CS:GO Any of the Touhou games Any of the Pokémon series (currently playing through Mystery Dungeon again!) Also gonna try Team Fortress 2 because you want me to, @Cyndy!
Final Fantasies and Maple.. Never needed other games Oh oh, and classic Nintendos game series (new or old^^)
Oh yeah forgot the classics I play every now and then. Legend of Zelda (mostly Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time) Kingdom Hearts I/II Sometimes FF
holy shit OoT.... I like that one the most, and I still have to finish MM... And I forgot about good old Heroes 3 which kaziu mentioned. And casually playing MU Online here and there.
I'm currently playing a lot of retro games (Famicom and up), which I have in my collection but I haven't beaten yet. The most notable ones are: Mega Man X3 Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy VI Mega Man 4 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. I'm also playing a lot of Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. U with my pals. We have a Wii U at school, so after the lessons have ended, we just go and play
CS: GO Final Fantasy 7 for like the 38373738th time Divinity: Original Sin Dota 2 Witcher 3 when released MapleRoyals
Final Fantasy X Remastered Edition Bioshock Infinity (games like this make me dizzy so I can never play it for very long) Pokemon Showdown Also always trying to get near @carcrash 's insane forum arcade scores.