More balance to training maps & obsolete maps: I think training in other maps other than the current popular ones are much shied away from atm. DEFINITELY a more responsive pet when it comes to healing. New NX and Hairstyles for both donor & f2p! A way around the shop reset lag/dc? Prior to that, if possible, i was thinking if the server could currently run a makeshift SC an hour before shop reset timings. A downtime of 10mins to come back up and allow other players to play normally after sounds like a very good sacrifice, so as to prevent shop resets from actually occurring. And the 'fm spots' can also continually be refreshed by new players and new items. Make Zakum possible on the original wineskin launcher provided for MAC users.
1.I am secretly hoping for Shanghai and Thailand to be implemented 2.NLC Quests to be coded/introduced (Warrior Throne) 3. HENESYS PARTY QUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
v72 and v86 skill tables for marauders/buccs and wk/paladin. No more lag & crashes every morning/afternoon Newer versions nx stuff (like the gas mask and the pirate stuff) Theme park with Targa/Scarlion More maps to train on 100+ Magatia PQ (come on, it was fun) CPQ
V72/V86 Skill set for Buccaneers/Shadowers Barrage&CorkScrew Punch + Transform = Reduced delay of Boomerang Step =