Hi guys, I know some of you are playing MapleRoyals on a new rig, which supports larger resolutions(1280x and above). I've found a program from a forum that actually would help. Do note that this program would only come in useful if you're using a dual monitor/triple monitor setup like I am. The downside however, is that the game will look a bit chunky, but it's nothing too game breaking or too distorted in anyway. The program itself isn't in English, but after testing it out myself, I've learnt that the easiest way to make it windowed fullscreen is by clicking on the button that says "Max. -1". So if you're interested in doing so, here is the link : https://ccplz.net/threads/resizing-malestory-window.57244/ This program doesn't contain a virus, neither does it edit any wz files, so you don't have to worry about getting banned.
Yes you do, but if you play on 1920x1080 resolution monitor, it will appear very small. So this is to solve that problem.
I think this behaviour is configurable in your GPU's control panel. It upscales by default for my AMD card, but I think the setting is under Properties (Digital Flat-Panel) in CCC. There's a similar setting for nvidia cards. Also:
Well that is true that it does exist. The sad thing is, for Nvidia, they've updated it and flat-panel has been removed, at least for mine. I'm not sure for others. Still, this comes in handy for people that goes through the same shit as me.
You're beautiful, thanks man! I have a 3 monitor setup with a ultra wide 3440x1440 resolution so it's kind of hard to see that little window while utilizing all of my monitors.