Ayy lmao, let me know when Boobs has room for another? I gotta have people to chat with while I train and you guys seem active and laid back. Thanks, Kyle
Yes toe, you may rejoin if you unquit, but idk if that's gonna happen !! Toe I miss you where is u !!
Tellsell voice: on Ever wondered why you didn't have a level 50 Page in your guild? And at that point, how to actually get one? Been stuck with a lot of one handed BW scrolls and no one to sell or give them to? Or have you been annoyed at the lack of big and heavy hammer-like weapons in your direct environment? No more! I present you, Beishung, the answer to all your problems. This Page likes very big hammers (and the smaller ones as well, when combined with a nice looking shield) and their scrolls and using them to smash everything. His large blue-colored hair combined with his F5 command makes him look truly ferocious and leaves monsters running away, terrified for their lives. And we wouldn't be Tellsell if we didn't have THE deal for you. Call now*, you will not only get Beishing. No, we will throw in his beutifull blue hair and his gigantic Maple Doom Singer as well. How can you refuse, right? Beishung and all or of these mentioned extra's could be all yours for the price of 0 mesos! For those of you interested, we will even throw in an extra Aimbo (level 47 Hunter, my little brother). So don't wait, call now, our phones are awaiting your order! *Deal stands for the next 50%. After that the deal is taken off and replaced by our “Beishung, level 51 Page” pack. Due to extra administration this pack costs twice as much. Tellsell voice: off Ofcourse we don't mind waiting a bit if the guild is full, just let us know if you want us and when there is some room open
@Bjoernie ...amusing & actually pretty creative ! Tryna sell yourself like some type of prostitute !! TWICE AS MUCH AS 0 MESOS IS STILL 0 MESOS. WHAT A DEAL !!
I was thinking more of like hired-gun, but if you put in that way... When would you be needing my services? Well, it was close. I was almost level 52 when I got invited, it would've cost triple than...
May I ask the why I was kicked from the guild? I was only added on sunday. Seeing the activity in the guild the times I was on I might not be in the right timezone, but I would've liked to hear something like that before getting kicked.
Oh yeh ofc, it was late 2013 iirc (Nipple is revived and they're than boobs/oblivion hehe jus' saying)