Me and my brother play from the same house. He was banned for leeching with holy symbol and he's fine with that as it fell under the qualifications for botting but why is it that I can't log into my own account now? The ban was done by Cyndy if that matters EDIT: What he was doing doesn't actually qualify as botting since nothing was automated. He was activating holy symbol while doing his homework and getting leech -_-
I warped your brother to jail and had been asking for a respond, but he kept on using his Skill. If your brother got caught while doing homework, maybe he should do this homework before playing the game. Also, anyone that was partied with the botter gets their far share of the 7 day ban. And since you and your brother live in the same house, you have to wait till ban expires. This ban also applies to you since you were partied with the botter.