sup people, I'd like to join this awesome guild because I love boobs(literally)! come on! which guy doesn't? haha do I contact a jr or?
Hey guys will it be okay if you let me know if boobs has room? I am only 3 days old on Mapleroyal and I need to some have people to chat with while I train and you guys seems pretty active Thanks XOs Rara
We currently have a few slots open. Whenever you're online, you can whisper any of the juniors. Or if you're online at this moment, you can whisper brakelights.
I think I will be asleep by then, but someone else may be on. Okay well, we're excited to have you. You seem really nice !
Yes, do that. The juniors list probably needs to be updated, but I'm unable to spend time online for the moment, so it will have to wait. Your best bet is probably to get ahold of brakelights. @carcrash
Oh, they are mostly from USA or Canada So must wait, buddy list ba when JR only will let u know bubbiex
can i join this guild plz~ im new to this server and wants to make some friends and ppl to chat n train with~
@iBlushed Heey if no one has added you yet, I'll add you in an hour and a half when I get home. welcome !!
no one has added me yet, im in game right now~ was gonna go to bed but ill wait for u to b online lol~ XD