hey y'all, So I normally vote at around like 5 pm (central time), but today when I went to vote it said that I had already voted and I needed to wait like 1400 minutes...I have a brother who also plays but he has his own account and he voted today and got his nx...so what's up with my account today? :/
If you both play at home you can only vote once per 24 hours unless you sign up to the whitelist. http://royals.ms/forum/forums/voting-whitelist-applications.84/ http://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-register-for-the-voting-whitelist.15374/ Not a Bug
But we're already accepted in the whitelist... We got accepted yesterday actually, does that have any effect on this?
Can't say how that works, I don't wanna give wrong suggestions, could you make a post here and follow this format. IGN: (Your character name) Problem: (Eg: Voted but didn't get NX) Details: (Explain what happened as clearly as possible, including information you think might be relevant. If you have lost items, please list them here, with screenshots if possible. Not a Bug.