@Tim If I were to sign up for this run with my corsair, will my points be counted together with the ones I earned in an earlier run I've joined on my FP?
Yes, points are added per person not per character. You can also get books for asll your 4th job characters even though you haven't joined a run on some of them (For example some people are running on their Dark Knight to get gen30 for their Bishop right now).
Yep was wondering this too since I'm mainly going for MW20 haha, which isn't a class-specific book. Is it just a highest-points-win system when MW20 drops? And how many points get deducted for the person purchasing the book? Thanks for the response @Tim!
PaperHeart, Bishop Thursday,July 9th run Book in Need of :Gen30 If you have a spot for me ;c If not,please get me nxt week. LF>gen30 book forever.
I've been thinking about getting back into this, they were always fun and exciting to see people pass their books, but unfortunately the times no longer work with my schedule
Ceso, 156 Lvl Marksman I would like to join your next run - on 9th of July. Items I need: Pendant, MW20 Thanks ^^
The way my point system works is: You spend all your points to get a book that you need for any of your 4th job characters. The person with higher points gets priority over the book (and thus spends all his points). The most wanted books are MW20 and Genesis30, they can go for a lot of points, someone has spend over 70 points on MW20 before. There's one addition to the rule to ensure we spread the skill that everyone needs around. MW20 goes to the person with the most points + they don't have MW20 on any other character.
Todays run was interesting with many deaths and changes due to mistakes, but we got rewarded with a Gen30 and a Berserk30. Congrats to PaperHeart on finally passing gen30!!!
Soniii 155 DRK Thursday july 16 Need : Pendant and egg Question : will it be at 2pm Central Time on Friday ?
IGN Sksoul 163 hero I want to join Thursday, July 16th 7PM GMT Need HTP & EXP to catch up with my friends XD