I've been playing quite a few games but the one that I really enjoyed was Chroma Squad. Already finished it before just after it came out and started replaying it a couple of days ago! Always good for a laugh GO GO RETSU GO!
OMG THIS GAME LOOKS AMAZING!!!!! I totally want to try this out now!!! As for me I'm totally gonna try Tackling a story-base MMOJRPG! c: (PS, I've played this as a kid before!)
I bought (while it was on sale outside of the summer sale) + played the game LISA. Amazing story, worked on by one developer that was heavily influenced by Earthbound 3. One of the best RPGs I've played in awhile (next game comes out sometime this summer -- excited). The humor in this game is abbbssooluteeely hilarious but you're quickly reminded how dark the game really is with the sacrifices you have to make.
Omg but there's that new game that's called Tree of Savior. Looking like a A+ game so far that looks like Ragnarok.
Only playlists still active are lone wolves and social slayer haha Ive been doing lone wolves non stop its still pretty intense
Playing a lot of Final Fantasies lately (FF14, FFTA2, FF4, FF2, FF9). Other than that just FF14. Maybe MS2 or TOS later in the future.
Bought this game a while ago on steam but haven't had a change to play it yet. Will start playing tonight/tomorrow!
Traded in my 360 for a PS4. Picked up FIFA 15 and FFXIV: Realm Reborn. Can't say I'm not having fun lol
League(stopped cuz too easy ranking system which made it not so competitive for me so kinda lost interest and veryyyyyyy toxic community) CS:GO - I think the chickens are giving the enemy team info on our positions.... Osu - Yeah I suck so hard, played for a month and still no progress. WoW vanilla - Yeah I have to finish Naxxramas, my life goal. Wow players will understand. Dark Souls 2 - If you want a RPG game thats actually hard look no further... Be prepared to buy another keyboard. Hearthstone - When ur having a bad day and ur team sucks in CS:GO this is where I go to relax. This is a very chill game and if you've had a bad day then pwning someone in hearhstone takes all the pain away. SSX3: Cuz I love it. L4D2 Got a gameboy? Any metroid game. BioShock DOOM 3: Finished the game when I was 9 but they finally released DOOM 4 after such a long time so I'm replaying DOOM 3. Bf bad company 2, bf3, bf4 I guess that's it for now.
My Xbox One Master Chief Collection edition should arrive in the mail later today and i'm excited to get back into it on a next gen console (never played an xbox one/ps4 before)
Lots of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (which isn't really HD, like seriously....) A few games of Heroes of the Storm now and then. An hour or two of Hand of Fate occasionally.