Everybody who met me knows, that I'm probably one of the biggest nx hoes in Maple Royals, so it's pretty obvious that this is the kind of even that I'd do. With no futher due, let me explain the rules: RULES Make a character in Banned Story 4, and dress it however you want (you can use everything, that includes weapons, shields, hair, etc.) Characters have to be standing in a regular pose, no face emotion, no background pic, no animation You musn't use pets, chairs or skill/nx effects Gender of the character doesn't matter You may only use one character per person The look can be funny, or serious, ridiculous, basically whatever you want, fashion has no rules! Just be yourself & be creative! From all the characters presented in this thread I will chose 5 looks that I liked the most in ascending order. PRIZES 50ap resets white scroll 10 ap resets, 10 teleport rocks, 10 safety charms, 10 super megaphones, 50m mesos 30 super megaphones, 5 fames, 3 eye of fire, 50m mesos 50m mesos, 5 fames, 5 super megaphones consolation prize - 50m mesos Winners will be posted next sunday (09.08.2015), signing up ends on saturday (08.08.2015, 12am server time). Good luck, have fun!!! _________________ WINNERS 1st place: Spoiler @Jon! Perfect look for a hot summer (it's 36 degrees at my place now btw), the hat is obnoxious and extraordinary, so the kind I like, congrats! 2nd place: Spoiler @Succubus Well, hello, Renia Vynx. I can't wait to hear your story. Are you a thief? A lost soul? What happened to you? Congrats! 3rd place: Spoiler @AppleFantasy Global warming, a perfect represenattion of the world, funny, well thought. As you can notice the look is highly inspired by nature and our enviroment. Stop killing the planet people. Congrats! 4th place: Spoiler @Joong So I heard Ogres are like onions... Congrats! 5th place: Spoiler @Ravenlore Oh God, look at this poor pal. Life got him. Congrats! Consolation prize: Spoiler @ceetal @carcrash @Alysaur Congrats! All participants: in order from left to right: @Lemur @Kivin @yogurtseller @acedanewb @Joong @Cyndy @Zynzer @Blubbly @Nicckonator @Cosmodo @Ravenlore @nellitu @Quibleez @MusicMaker2003 @Succubus @Blubbly @GriZ @Yiks @Dessi @joeylee @Jon! @carcrash @Manezu @Alyssaur @Aire @cupohtea @Ario @MelonMuncher @nightsh4d @Knut @Mandy @Kiran @ceetal @Lucrative @Herb @24thKnight @Tim @Bjoernie Spoiler Disqualified: Spoiler @Experience & @Offensive - posting from your brothers account (or forcing him to post w/e), who doesn't even play Royals, to double the chances of winning, NOT COOL @Cynicism - not following the rules @Groundhog - not following the rules
Maxipherna - Black Mage's first love Spoiler: Her story The story of Maxipherna Maxipherna, born in Lith Harbor in a poor family, is a simple girl that has always wanted to be something more. With a father who works as a craftsman and a mother who works as a seamsterss, she has always wanted to do something different with her life instead of following her ancerstors' path. She is hungry for adventures. She is beautiful and gifted. And she is evil. At the age of 17 she decides that she doesn't belong in her parents' home anymore so she leaves it and starts to travel around the maple world. Unfortunately, at some point she makes the wrong decisions, loses all her mesos and is forced to beg for money and live on the Kerning City's streets. Then one day, on july 17th she sees one mysterious, wealthy, well-dressed young man,with who she immediately falls inlove. Instead of giving her money, he decides to save her from the misery, she is in and offers her a suspicious job. A hard, full-time, fatiguing job on which she agrees because she does not have any better opportunities. He takes her to his private Orbis Boat and brings his "pets" Balrogs to amuse her while they travel. She has already fell for his charm and mysteriousness. When they finally arrive to his "home", which happens to be a giant, horrifying, floating in the air castle, she finally puts the pieces together and figures it out. This is The Black Mage of Maple World. When she finds out what her job is (to be his right hand and queen of the Maple World), she agrees on it with pleasure. From that day on, with the help of her own minion "Poo-Poo" (the black thing next to her), her destiny is to serve to her husband and lord The Black Mage, steal money from the most wealthy people in Maple World, kill her own fellow-citizen, the noobs from Lith Harbor, spy on the mighty job advancers, merch in the free market for maximum gain and be his girl-for-everything. She learns how to use magic, make spells and summon monsters. Her hobby is to use summoning bags and kill the people who used to bully her on the Kerning streetz. She is stealthy, hasty, clever, crafty, uncompromising and most of all vicious. Her master's orders are the meaning of her life and she follows them without objections. She loves no one but herself and The Black Mage. She lives to serve and destroy. She is Maxipherna. Both the story and the image are made by me so I hope that you are going to like it - Dean
I have a feeling that youre suppose to be as weird as possible. Like, who wouldnt follow this angel to his van for free candy?!
First of all, props to you for hosting a contest like this! Secondly, i've taken the 'just be yourself' literally, and re-created my current char in royals, i think it has such class.