Name: Andrew Age: 20 In-game Name: Crabby Country (Timezone): Canada EST Describe yourself briefly: I'd like to think I'm friendly, enthusiastic and rational. Besides maple I spend my leisure time working out, listening to music (all kindzzz), hanging out with friends, and generally just doing anything fun. What do you like about Home?: You guys seem really close knit and like a family. I'm in search of my 5ever mapuh familyyy. How often do you play Royals?: Everyday. #mapleislife What is your intention behind playing?: Relive the nostalgia by 1.Reach level 200 2.Join an awesome guild. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yush.
Name: ryan Age: 23 In-game Name: everland Country (Timezone): singapore (gmt+8) Describe yourself briefly: Just came out of my country's mandatory military service, working part-time meantime while waiting for my college to start next year. Studied korean language as my 3rd language, a few years back since I was obsessed with kpop back then. Huge drama fanboy here, mainly taiwanese/hongkong or korean drama. What do you like about Home?: Just looking around seeing any active guild around, cause the current one I'm in is rather dead. Joined 4months ago, sticked with Heavens aka Unicorns since then. How often do you play Royals?: Basically online almost everyday after work and even on my off days What is your intention behind playing?: Killing time, throwing me back to the days when I'm 13 playing maplesea. Do you have Skype? [optional]: I do, but i hardly speaks during skype calls. lmao
Hi Ryan! You'll fit right in here with the fam! Whisp any JRs that are online to join! And welcome Home
Name: Kevin Age: 20 In-game Name: Ryolo Country (Timezone): Netherlands GMT+2 Describe yourself briefly: I am a 20 year old student who mainly plays in the evening. I've played Maplestory for about 8 years now I believe. First at GMS but ever since the first private server released (OdinMS) I switched to private servers. Lately I had been playing ExtaliaMS but I cant get used to the ''new'' maplestory and much prefer the old one. What do you like about Home?: I would like to find a friendly bunch of people to play this game with because alone its still kinda boring. How often do you play Royals?: About every evening. What is your intention behind playing?: Having fun, Relieving stress from university. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yep.
Name: Liam Age: 21 In-game Name: Snipeshow Country (Timezone): Eastern (Ontario, Canada) Describe yourself briefly: 21 year old kid going through the motions of life. I like some sports, particularly hockey and baseball. I'm starting third year university in about two weeks. I don't do much on my own to be honest. If I'm out of the house it's most likely because my girlfriend is making me do something. What do you like about Home?: The not-so-serious seriousness. I like to boss, but I don't like being forced to boss..that kind of thing. Plus I managed to read the whole clan post which must have meant it wasn't boring. How often do you play Royals?: I usually manage to get on for at least an hour a day. I'd say 3 or 4 days a week it's more than that. I do work full time but that will be ending when school begins(I'm actually giving my two weeks notice today!!!!!!). I'm not yet sure exactly what my workload will be in September but I'll probably be on more than I am now. What is your intention behind playing?: I wanna be, the very best, like no one ever was. Do you have Skype? [optional]: I do, but can't say I've been on it in the last few months. I am willing to hop on it if necessary.
Name: Cyrus Age: 18 In-game Name: Conceal Country (Timezone): Singapore, GMT +8 Describe yourself briefly: Typical & average 18-year old, nothing fancy. Currently pursuing banking and I am just two years away from graduation. Really love to socialise with a bunch of people of different culture, cause it kinda exposes many other perspectives in life. Have a great desire in music, especially indie rock & EDM! What do you like about Home?: To be honest, I am very new to this server, and I personally believe it will be so much better playing with a community. I came across this guild recruitment thread and saw wonders. The amount of laughter and memories shown just tempts me to be a part of it all. I would love to start-off here, and hopefully end-off only with greater reasons with this bunch! How often do you play Royals?: On average, 4-5 hours a day, if ever extensively, 7-9 hours. What is your intention behind playing?: Relive the moments I had years ago, and to experience these Nostalgic Moments as I can. But REALLY, I am just bored. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes, yes I do.
Name: Tracy or Tray. Big difference, I know. Age: 20 In-game Name: Bellini Country (Timezone): BC, Canada! GMT -7 Describe yourself briefly: Just turned 20 and I barely have any idea what I'm doing in life. I'm in my first year of college, trying to get into a nursing program. I'm pretty talkative and I make a lot of references to things that little to no people seem to care for. I have an affinity for puns and word play jokes. What do you like about Home?: You guys seem so close and the way you guys described each other in the intro reminded me so much of what I had back in pre-Big Bang MS. So, selfishly, I want to attempt to be a part of it and hopefully bring something great to y'all too. How often do you play Royals?: I just started today and I'm still feeling it out. Hopefully clocking in at least 1-5 hours every day or so. What is your intention behind playing?: Remind myself what it was that I loved so much about Maple back then. Make some friends too, obviously! Do you have Skype? [optional]: Sure do.
Name: Reg Age: 20 In-game Name: SkyxLeithe (creating another character soon though) Country (Timezone): Singapore (GMT +8?) Describe yourself briefly: Hmm I am an outgoing introvert (HAHAHAA I know right?). I think I am fun, nice(haha abit thick-skinned here) and quite talkative. My most terrible traits are that I am very blur and crack the lamest jokes. My favourite things are sleeping, and sleeping and sleeping (no joke), listening to music and singing. What do you like about Home?: The close environment that I am visualizing from the forum and pictures. The guild looks like a closely-knitted family and it looks so fun, just like a guild I had before in MapleStory. Hahaha brings back memories.... How often do you play Royals?: I just found out about Royals recently (a month ago only?) and am hoping to play at least an hour a day. However, school starts approximately in about 3 weeks time, and the workload may increase so I hope to be able to continue playing during my breaks. What is your intention behind playing?: To relive my memories. hahaa. I was kinda the first batch of Maplers (before pirates came out, and when characters had red eyes), and I was so addicted to it. However, after coming back to MapleStory, I was so thrown off by how much everything changed and the quality of the game dropped so much (high inflation, players being uncouth and rude over smega), so I quit. Just happened to stop by Royals and loved it here, about it being similar to the only game play. I also want to make friends just that this game has been making me more lonely haha as I rarely see people around and I do not understand the people advertising over smegas. So ya, was looking for a guild that will make me welcome Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yup, but rarely use it.
Name: Alex Age: 22 In-game Name: Preacharound or CritHappens Country (Timezone): USA (PST) Describe yourself briefly: I'm a college undergraduate currently on summer break still. I spend my time playing video games, working on cars, going to the gym and hanging out with my friends! What do you like about Home?: Your guild seems like a really friendly and relaxed community that I could get along well with and hopefully make some new online friends. How often do you play Royals?: About 3 hours per day on average. What is your intention behind playing?: Experience a little bit of the nostalgia from my preteen years playing GMS and just overall have fun. I have no problems getting serious and grinding though. Do you have Skype? [optional]: Yes, and I'm on it quite often.