Spoiler: APPLY TO GUARDIANS Guardians is currently closed to new joiners. Spoiler: Members List (Last updated 2018) Commanders: Ario Gatekeepers: Centauro blueHammer BulletZ0ne CaptainDre Kaeya Zetha Sashimii Tacticians: MysticRain Reignaire PalmTree attenuation Noke Watchers: Anhur Gagete HolySaturn Stingy Zivvy saikoNL SawakoChan Trapboy Hikuri XxSTRMANxXx Zaisho ItsJustCynn LordRandy RonyPony CaptureMe Guards: Ecolab Tatert0ts TomTechTales Kolossal NyxAssansin EnjoyHS Faalhaas Karlost FiatLux Trickery Usoppon ChrisL Menoetius Handwriting DRlCE DoNotJudgeMe WealthExpo ZIatan Himeragi Juco LordCorvo tyui Waken Epicznymis Whiteman Mengsk iweedz kevincc assl MeAndYou Crisy Actinide Snuffy SunnyNaal xBishop78 Bomer Levoxyl Oldgen Thresh GlassFist nany625 Orto Haia XxINTWOMANxX Aviate NyxNyxFire Warship MagicCharm YenneferV IceReady Mapit Aroma BanKaiiii Probation: Budman KYKPHER RamonX Spoiler: Guardians Media (2017-2018) Guardians Zakum 22/7/2017 1st place in the 2017 Christmas design a tree event (Guild Tree Category) Guild Pic 11/02/2018 Zak guild run Guildpic in our headquarters! (FM CH 18) Guild Krex run (Trio by TomTechTales, Zenning, Validity) Hunting Pianus (Duo by TomTechTales, Syrox) Guardians Zrun Guild TheBoss Run Event BGA Guild Run 12 Guardians against a very poor zak Fart0ts Guardians HQ 15/11/2017 Spoiler: Guardians Media (2015-2016) Spoiler: Guardians Blacklist BabyBow - KSing and Harassment. IGotHB / FriedKoko - Trade Scammer & Unreliable player. Ninja / Blast / Pioneer / Lithium - Unreliable player. changed the A/W after an offer. Sorako - Disrespectful player. Digiri - Using a macro bot in order to camp&steal a free market spot. Mahrez / I1874I - Stealing Zakum loots. GodOfBS - Toxic & Offensive words toward a guild member. imHigh - Toxic & Offensive words toward a guild member. Injoy - Toxic & Offensive words toward a guild member. IThrowillbis - Scammer, stealing genesis20. raiuuuu / Bearguy - Harassing guild members. Fastbrand / HoarFrost - Mass defaming a guild member. Tinay - KSing a guild member. Mmmikey - KSing a guild member. Crex / Aleso - Harassing guild members. K0reanJesus - Harassing a guild member. eunicorn - Harassing a guild member. IcedCreams - Harassing a guild member. ZomgJames - Trolling & Ditching mid-HT run Vuny - Unjustified defaming & insulting a guild member for claiming a map Spoiler: Application form backup Is the character you are applying with above our minimum level requirement? Spoiler: YES Are you applying as a bishop? Spoiler: NO ♜♜ Guardians Application Form ♜♜ ♜ Part 1: Character Details ♜ ♜ 1)IGN: ♜ 2)Class: ♜ 3)Level: ♜ Part 2: Player Details ♜ ♜ 4)Name: ♜ 5)Age: ♜ 6)Country/State: ♜ 7)Timezone: ♜ Part 3: Questions ♜ ♜ Q1)List any other character you have in this format (IGN,Class,Level) Answer: ♜ Q2)How Long have you been playing MapleRoyals? Answer: ♜ Q3)List any guild you have ever been a member of. Please explain why you left/was expelled from each guild Answer: ♜ Q4)Have you ever been banned? Please provide details Answer: ♜ Q5)How active are you on a scale of 1-10? Answer: ♜ Q6)Why did you choose to apply to Guardians? Answer: ♜ Is there any further information you would like to add to your application? Answer: ♜ Have you read & Do you accept the guild rules? Yes/No Spoiler: YES IM A BISHOP NOTE: As a horntail-minded guild, We are most likely to deny any bishops below level 160. Please consider reaching that level and gaining some horntail experience prior to submitting an application. ♜♜ Guardians Bishop Application Form ♜♜ ♜ Part 1: Character Details ♜ ♜ 1)IGN: ♜ 2)Class: ♜ 3)Level: ♜ Part 2: Player Details ♜ ♜ 4)Name: ♜ 5)Age: ♜ 6)Country/State: ♜ 7)Timezone: ♜ Part 3: Questions ♜ ♜ Q1)List any other character you have in this format (IGN,Class,Level) Answer: ♜ Q2)How Long have you been playing MapleRoyals? Answer: ♜ Q3)List any guild you have ever been a member of. Please explain why you left/was expelled from each guild Answer: ♜ Q4)Have you ever been banned? Please provide details Answer: ♜ Q5)How active are you on a scale of 1-10? Answer: ♜ Q6)Why did you choose to apply to Guardians? Answer: ♜ Q7)Do you have any Horntail experience? Have you ever completed a Horntail run as a bishop? Specify as much as you can. Answer: ♜ Is there any further information you would like to add to your application? Answer: ♜ Have you read & Do you accept the guild rules? Yes/No Spoiler: NO NOTE: Bear in mind we don't tend to accept players below the min level requirement unless there is an exceptional case. Consider reaching the minimum level requirement prior to submitting an application. If you still prefer to apply to Guardians at this moment, Please use the Guardians Exception Application Form below. ♜♜ Guardians Exception Application Form ♜♜ ♜ Part 1: Character Details ♜ ♜ 1)IGN: ♜ 2)Class: ♜ 3)Level: ♜ Part 2: Player Details ♜ ♜ 4)Name: ♜ 5)Age: ♜ 6)Country/State: ♜ 7)Timezone: ♜ Part 3: Questions ♜ ♜ Q1)List any other character you have in this format (IGN,Class,Level) Answer: ♜ Q2)How Long have you been playing MapleRoyals? Answer: ♜ Q3)List any guild you have ever been a member of. Please explain why you left/was expelled from each guild Answer: ♜ Q4)Have you ever been banned? Please provide details Answer: ♜ Q5)How active are you on a scale of 1-10? Answer: ♜ Q6)Why did you choose to apply to Guardians? Answer: ♜ Q7)Why should we accept you as a probationary member? Answer: ♜ Q8)How long do you estimate until you reach our minimum level requirement? Answer: ♜ Is there any further information you would like to add to your application? Answer: ♜ Have you read & Do you accept the guild rules? Yes/No Spoiler: Credits DRlCE - Derek: For writing parts of the thread Guardians Board: Assistance with thread ideas
1. Name:Jose 2. Age:20 3. Country/State:United States/IL 4. IGN:SleepyHollow 5. Level:93 6. Job:sniper 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:2 Weeks 8. Guild History:Smexy, Boobs. 9. Your Goal in royals:Relive old memories from GMS and experience new ones 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes I know the lvl req. is 120 and I've only been playing for a couple weeks now but I'm an active person with a friend in your guild and I know I can get to lvl 120 in no time.
1. Name: Oran (AKA Brocco) 2. Age:20 3. Country/State:IL 4. IGN: TilOrange 5. Level: 124 6. Job: BM 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2-3 months 8. Guild History: Aurora, Radio, Solstice 9. Your Goal in royals: I mainly enjoy doing PQs (Mainly GPQ) and bossing. I had a tuff time lately finding a guild that I can really attach to and I'm hoping I can find it in your guild. I'm really social and I like talking to the various guild members and get to know them. I really like being in a guild that is really united, it feels really special and that is what I'm looking for in a guild. That connected with the fact that I really like gpqing can bring out very nice results accepting the fact that the guild should be active. My goal also is to get to boss level asap and start zaking for fun and for mesos because I am really poor lately (Bombing items is my specialty). Would like to join and see what all the buzz is about . Thanks alot. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name:Josh 2. Age:20 3. Country/State: Hong Kong 4. IGN:Nightime 5. Level:71 6. Job: DK 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2 weeks 8. Guild History:Solstice 9. Your Goal in royals:I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was. Okay but on the serious note I wanna make friends , PQ with friends and most importantly, have fun...with friends :3. Im rather shy but ill try and help anyone in need if i can. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes I know im way below the level req' But i know a couple people in the guild already. Im quite active and ill try to catch up on levels. Thanks !
1. Name: Marcel 2. Age: 21 3. Country/State: Germany 4. IGN: xNero 5. Level: 12x 6. Job: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: uhm about 1 month xD 8. Guild History: Goomba -> Frost 9. Your Goal in royals: i wanna reach lvl 200 xD but first i wanna get lvl 135 to join some boss runs 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Accepted, but on PROBATION. Due to not meeting level requiremnt. Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted, but on PROBATION. Due to not meeting level requiremnt. PLEASE ACCEPT THE RULES BEFORE WHISPERING A JR. "10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No" Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS!
1. Name: Nox 2. Age: 18 3. Country/State: Singapore 4. IGN: xxDeetxx 5. Level: 148 6. Job: Shadower 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1.5 - 2months 8. Guild History: Ciao and Guardian 9. Your Goal in royals:Level as high as possible and have fun in this server. Boss everyday!! To have a guild that is broad and active. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name: Alex 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Toronto 4. IGN: Consider 5. Level: 138 6. Job: Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2 months 8. Guild History: BaeNation 9. Your Goal in royals:Reach level200 and have the nostalgia feel but most importantly have fun in this server. Boss everyday!! 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS!
1. Name:Andy 2. Age:21 3. Country/State:Taiwan 4. IGN: coloryou 5. Level:142 6. Job:hero 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3month 8. Guild History:BaeNation 9. Your Goal in royals:got att 140 up sparta and got 1v1 160 up 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name: Bryan 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Perú (South America) 4. IGN: Bryanz 5. Level: 101 (lvlng&making money assap) 6. Job: Crusader 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: like 1 month 8. Guild History: Prevalence 9. Your Goal in royals: Hello! I'm looking for friendly people, a crew where can talk and play as a family, do runs like APQ (I'm an apple addict) and obviously PAP/ZAK/HT/PB runs. I used to play GMS (Scania) like 4 years ago so I know how to play and I sure that I'll be a good support on guild . Furthermore, I enjoy playing MS because I can improve my english, as you read before I'm from South America and we speak spanish here but I'm always try to improve and its a system playing&learning when I'm in game. I consider myself a good person, polite and friendly . 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: YES!
1. Name: David 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: USA/CA 4. IGN: AbsoluteLast 5. Level: 171 6. Job: Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: About 4 months. 8. Guild History: Oblivion 9. Your Goal in royals: Get to know more people and make a lot of money to fund characters. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name:CALPIS 2. Age:17 3. Country/State:TAIWAN 4. IGN:CALPIS 5. Level:120 6. Job:BISHOP 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:About 3 months. 8. Guild History:no join any guild 9. Your Goal in royals:just play have fun 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Accepted but on PROBATION. Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Accepted! Please whisper one of our online JRs to receive an invitation. Welcome to GUARDIANS! Rejected for now. Thank you for your application.
1. Name: Dylan Bruce 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: WA 4. IGN: Dose / WheeIs 5. Level: 101 / 113 6. Job: DK / Hermit 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: About a year 8. Guild History: Shade / Discreet 9. Your Goal in royals: Meet some awesome people, get my accs fourth job and pop bottles with my guardians 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yee