There are still currently issues with hired merchants not saving items when the server crashes. Due to the server crash tonight, items have become stuck again... Please reply here with the following information for me to be able to retrieve your items easier... Character name who had the merchant up. Some items that you can remember that were in the store. Any unique items that were in your store that others probably didn't have. After your post gets 'liked'/'thanked' by Matt, check fredrick.
Pope: Puac x2 ygc x2 + many scrolls drugs: 53 attack claw + (i think another item) + scrolls minge: scrolls and illbies (really iffy on the specifics..)
IGN: Seditious Items: some stuff like YSS, Purple Gaia, 30% Shield M.att scrolls, Claw att 60%, Dragon Purple Sleeve, 2 Casters, 2? Cravens, probably some other scrolls.
IGN: DragonKnight Items: 24 Hearstoppers 6 Onyx Apples Claw for att 60% scroll Overall Str 60% Scroll Yellow Marker (common glove with 7 slots) Staff magic att 30% Helmet dex 70% Shoes Jump 70% Shoes Jump 30% Glove magic att 30% 2 Dagger att 60% Dagger att 30% That's all I can remember,though I had more items in my store ...
Char: Satinka Most of the Items in my Store were scrolls, but i dont remember which scrolls and i had brown wokergloves.
jackass: White racoonn mask Purple surfboard Pharoah's Wrappings and bunch of scrolls that i dont rly remember
ign: princess items: 16 wa maple shield, 30% overall str, 30% shield ma, 30% luk top (2), & a couple other scrolls.
ign: Triviana i think i only got scrolls, cant rlly remember tho 3 helmet dex scrolls 30%dagger atk, 30% spear atk and some others
ign: Mirana 10 to 13 items are mostly lvl 30~50 blues including: green legolier black magicshoes white guiltian dark starlight purple moonlight
Matt I noticed that not all of the people who's posts you liked received their items, including myself and Parkie. I'm not sure what happened but I know that I didn't get any of my items and Parkie didn't get any on her main or her mule.