I hope this image is good enough to make a chair. I'm sure it'd beat Mudkip, eventhough Water>Fire. Charizard>ALL
As I said, it's too big to be a chair and not deaitled enough. Nothing personal, I just don't like it.
I really don't like it when PS's put unrelated stuff in their server. It's doesn't look realistic and it ruins the experience (for me, at least). But there you go: If it had more details and it looked more maple-ish, I'd have no problem with it.
Oh are we playing Pokemon now? I thought this was Maplestory? Please, to keep in line with the 'nostalgia' of this server we should not have any unrelated custom content. It also ruins my Mapling experience and I'm sure many others' too.
As a matter of fact, there was recently a poll among staff to remove all non-Pokemon chairs from the game, and rename the server Pokémaple. The results of the vote was... well, you'll know soon enough! Spoiler This thread was obviously either a joke by the OP or a serious request to be done AFTER Kenny finds a way to fix the Mudkip chair. I'm no smartass, but I'm inclined to believe the first one. You all take things way too seriously.
Maybe it would be cool to use chairs as chairs, and if you must reach out to other games/media perhaps famous chairs from them. For example: The cash of money Walter White sits on, the Iron Throne, etc. (I think this may be kind of cool if they are a bit more creative. I myself haven't seen the new chairs though, so maybe you already have cool ones like that)
(I saw this spoof and couldn't resist *__*) On a more related note: I actually found this :O And on an even more related note: Was randomly surfing, and I think this is what everyone means by a more maple-esque pokemon custom chair >:O (Or close enough I think - maybe if the colour scheme was altered to be more pixel ish it would be perfect)
Yeah, that Charizard chair is awesome. Like, if you can make the pokemon into more of a chair form it just makes adding them way cooler, and people will tend to like them more instead of complain.