In order for us to optimize the way in which we deal with and try to prevent this issue, we'd appreciate some feedback from you. Do you get stuck logged in after DC-ing from the server? Does it happen when you weren't online but are just trying to login? If you stop trying to login for a few minutes, does your account automatically fix itself? Does it tend to happen when the server freezes/experiences a big lagspike? Does logging in from another account on the same computer unstick your account? Does logging the same account in from another computer unstick your account? Does the problem occur mainly on a specific device - eg laptop, VMWare, Windows 8 computer? What I've written here are just a few ideas, so if you've got any different information to add, please do! The more information you can give us about the problem, the better our chances are of dealing with it effectively. Please DO NOT post requests for your character to be unstuck in this thread, thank you. Use Character Issues for that.
This happened like an hour ago, but my client lagged a bit, sent me to the login screen saying I was unable to connect. For the first 10 seconds, it says I was still logged in, but then after the intial 10 seconds, I was able to log in just fine. I was at The Evil Dead map Channel 1.
Did you follow Kat's suggestion in the announcement post and quit your client before trying to relog? Or did you relog as soon as you got kicked off?
Quit as in close? If that's the case, then no. I just let it run and waited a bit. Usually the client shuts itself down if there's a major disconnect/lag or my internet decided to mysteriously turn off.
Next time you get disconnected and get "stuck", can you try following Kat's post here? Since some people have seen success with it, I'm hoping to find a solution that will work for everyone.
If waiting 10 seconds also works, we could add that to the list of suggestions. Thanks very much for your feedback @Plenty =)
Confirmed this works for me. I usually wait about 30 seconds and try again. If I keep trying RIGHT after DC, it usually results in being stuck waaaay longer for me.
Also another thing that may cause this is spamming/holding the NPC Chat button which makes you disconnect regardless of lag. I don't know if this issue is related or not, but I thought I'd let you know. So far, I've never been stuck or needed to forcefully have my account log out unless I was impatient. Most of my clients have been on the regular client and Sandboxie using Windows 7.
I've been running a query on the database to see if accounts that are marked as stuck logged in STAY stuck logged in, and it looks like, for the most part, they don't, which ties in with what @Plenty and @Gangsta are saying. However, we've had a number of posts in Character Issues from people who HAVE been stuck with the "Your account is already logged in or the server is under inspection error" for some time. Feedback from players who aren't able to fix the problem themselves would also be welcome here.
A little off topic (kind of). The fact that the accounts don't actually stay logged in when stuck comes back to my suggestion *cough*imfullofgreatideasguys*cough*. Is there a way to implement a checker to see if an account is online when a user tries to unstick their account via website? If online - don't proceed (U DIRTY DUPER). If not online - fix account.
So here's the thing. In the database there is a column that for each account keeps track of their login status. 0 is offline, 1 is you're after the login screen but before selecting a character, 2 is you're online, and 3 seems to be stuck . So these accounts when stuck are technically logged in because the system will not let you log in (thinks you're already logged in) when your status is 3. Additionally, that was how I was able to do a mass unstick because I set the whole server's login status to 0, but it doesn't affect those already online properly. Why? When you CC, change map, pretty much do anything that will write to the DB (there's a lot of things), it will say "Hey, I'm still here!" and update your account's login status back to 2. So really, if you're stuck, your account is shown as online
Do you know what the status of 3 actually means? In addition, how is this mass unstick different from how the Char Fix originally functioned? Does this actually assure there aren't rollbacks somehow, or is that still a problem, and we're just addressing the issue by not letting it be repeatedly abused by forcing a manual unstick?
Off the top of my head, no but I'm sure Kevin or Matt or others who use the same style of our source do, Kat and I have just noticed that login state tends to mean someone who is stuck. The mass unstuck is simply doing a Character Fix for every character on the server. It is no different from how the website was doing it and why this ability has only been given to GMs to press the button. Because of the fear of someone trying to take advantage of the system or trying to dupe, that's why it's never announced when the button is being pressed to mass unstick. Additionally, our website uses that logged in status to say how many players are online. Certainly doesn't look good to go from 6xx players down to 1xx so we want to avoid that happening as much as we can Finally, as it becomes more clear that Kat's suggestions for how to log back in after getting DCed are solutions that work for everyone, we will not be manually unsticking accounts as often. In fact, I've already asked staff to use the button sparingly from now on.
I was in the twisted paths map this morning then got stuck after I manually logged off for about 8 hours before a GM unstuck my account. What had happened was an apparent lag spike... And with Bigfoot coming for me, I manually logged off to prevent it from killing me. I immediately tried to relog to no avail, yielding the same 'already logged in' message for the next 8 hours (before being assisted by GM). I believe the issue was manually disconnecting my character during the lag episode - which probably triggered the '3' status.
I presume over the course of those 8 hours of being stuck, you closed out of your client? Or did you never quit the client and just set it to the side for awhile before trying again?
At first I tried relogging without closing the client as I sometimes I'm able to log right back on but yes, I did close the client when receiving the error message and closed/restarted multiple times.
I get the error sometimes after DCs/freeze/big lagspikes but always successfully managed to login following these steps without further hassle: 1) Login to another account of mine 2) Choose channel & character then enter 3) Logout immediately (I am always quick in case I lose mapowner) 4) Login to previous account
I am experiencing the "Already logged in" error on my bishop (IGN:Innocuous) at the moment. I haven't been online for the past 8-ish hours, and could not log in upon my 1st attempt. However, I'm able to log in to my other account with no issue whatsoever. I have also tried the method that BabyRaine suggested above, but to no avail. Hopefully this can help you guys (and also me)! Thanks!
I've been trying Plenty and Gangsta's suggestions of waiting 10-30 seconds before logging back in after I've dced to the login screen, and I've found that it works a treat for me! Also, I'd like to thank all those who have contributed to this thread!