Yo people, I played on this server like a year and a half ago and got my Archer to an astonishing level 13 before going on hiatus. Now I am back. I want to play this seriously now on the weekends and on Wednesdays. I just want to know how to make mates and get a bit of money starting out. I bought and sold some AP Resets already, and am aiming to grind these every day. I am not that willing to make a Bishop though, my playstyle was never like that. First character = main character for me. I want to become a crossbowman and just have tons of fun (which I AM HAVING RIGHT NOW IM LOVING THIS SERVER HUIGHOIUWHSRG) So do you guys have any tips on how to make some pals to train with and eg. joining a guild and stuff? I don't want to journey alone in leveling, that seems boring to me. Thanks for any replies and advice! Add me if you want to: Emilian is my IGN. I'll be on til like midnight (+1 GMT) Emilian
sell TP rocks isntead of AP resets for more $ per NX if youre planing to make an attker char, you should wash if you want to do HT look at the compilation guide for a bunch of tips
hi. i suggest you to talk to as many people as you can in fm or during pq. Some players *me cough cough* are very friendly and love to chit chat *me cough cough*. Or join a guild maybe? just spam everything there
I agree with everything except the spam part haha. A lot of guilds like to see that you are interested in their guilds, rather than seeing multiple applications everywhere. So I would suggest really searching for one you would be best interested and apply there only ^^