IGN: oiCam Level/Class: lvl45 Cleric Name/Age: Cameron/16M Country: United States Activeness: Not much recently because of school but I'm gonna be more active now that I'm on break and have no more exams. Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a guild that offers a great social environment and gameplay environment; Ohana is just that. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Nope. No friends. That's why I want to join, to make friends. More about yourself: I have school for 10 hours a day and go to sleep at around 11PM. I'm pretty much free on the weekends unless I am doing community service. I don't have extensive homework; however, I have to write a lot of essays. Other than Maplestory, I play League of Losers and a few unimportant relaxation games on steam. I'm very outgoing, yet timid at the same time. If I am around friends, I'm outgoing. If not, I'm not outgoing. I've been around Maplestory for awhile. I've seen it expand and grow into a ridiculously Pay-2-win game and I've reverted back to old maple. Overall, I can be fun and serious; whatever the situation calls for. I was in another guild(small) about a month ago; before I started my final exams, and I was kicked for inactivity(they were mean anyways). I really hope you guys consider my application. It would be nice to find a fun guild with the same goals as I. .
Added you to Ohana already <33 Hope you enjoy your time with us! Btw I agree that the old Maple is the best
IGN: Songbard Level/Class: 7x Priest Name/Age: Jason! And I'm 18. Country: United States Activeness: I'm usually on at least an hour or two a day, but since it's Christmas break at the moment, I'm especially active now! Why do you want to join? All of you guys seem really awesome and I've wanted to join a guild with a bunch of nice, friendly and overall awesome people since I started playing on MapleRoyals. The past two guilds I was in kinda just picked me up off the street and never said a word to me (how rude!) so I would love to be a part of Ohana and meet everyone. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? No friends in the guild (yet) but hoping to make some! More about yourself: Well, I'm male and in college in Florida at the moment, but with no clue what I want to do with my life (yay college), so I'm working as a dishwasher to pay off car insurance and other things because I'm broke. Being an outgoing person has always been a trouble of mine, I'm a very quiet person and tend to keep to myself because I'm such an anxious person, but I also love talking to people at the same time, so that's a pretty conflicting situation there! So if anyone ever experiences a moment of complete silence from me, just know that it's just who I am. But if anyone talks to me I surely talk back, and when I finally get to know someone, lord have mercy... P.S. Totes love the name! My girlfriend is a huge Disney nerd and she got me hooked, I love Lilo & Stitch.
IGN: BishopDan Level/Class: Bishop / 179 Name/Age: Dan / 22 Country: UK Activeness: Daily due to winter break Why do you want to join? Brilliant guild name & the concept featuring our beloved experiment 626 is just awesome! Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Nope. Was busy with work hence I lost touch with MapleRoyals.. More about yourself: Was a big fan of the movies and animated series; Jumba Jookiba (that optically blessed mad scientist) is my favorite character
Such an honour to hear this from the one & only Aly :') Always been so nice to everyone <3 Grace, Ohana screenshots is in here too!
IGN: Inkwash Level/Class: Cleric/6x Name/Age: Jacky / 18 Country: Canada Activeness: Most of the time when I am not busy with school or practices. Why do you want to join? I am looking forward to a chill/friendly environment. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? None More about yourself: I am Canadian
Hello, Jacky! Please whisper one of the Jrs. to get an Ohana invite <3 Hey, Tommy! Do whisper one of the Jrs. to be added to Ohana Also, do you mind removing all the guild info from your post except the form that you were supposed to submit? Tysm <3
I just wanted to say this this guild males me really happy Lilo & Stitch is one of my favourite things ever. (I'm thinking of naming a potential daughter lilo, but I feel like its too far to name a boy stitch too)