So I wanna make one of these as my second char (first one is priest). Which class does more damage in terms of bossing/which one is more of an attacker? This should pretty much cover the job descriptions for you.
Dark Knights fall short of Heroes in terms of overall DPS. Luckily in some people's eyes, Hyper Body makes up for that shortcoming.
Yes exactly this. DKs actually suck ass in terms of DPS. But they have HB. Here is the order of DPS (assuming SE and REGULAR warrior pot) #1 - Night Lords #2 - Corsairs #3 - Heroes #4 - Dark Knights (*Note, very slightly above #5 but below Heroes by a large amount) #5 - Bowmen / Buccaneers #6 - Marksmen / Paladins (As of right now, Paladins are rumored to be buffed in the future) #7 - Shadowers (IF THEY DONT BOMB. IF THEY BOMB, THEY CAN BE #1) #8 - Mages edit: better list
BM #3 and Dark Knights aren't below heroes by a large amount. They can potentially be stronger when godly AF.
I don't think BMs are #3 UNLESS they are using apples. Remember the list assumes everyone has access to SE. Being godly isn't a factor because the Hero can be equally godlike. UPDATED LIST ASSUMING APPLES + SE. #1 - Night Lords #2 - Corsairs #3 - Heroes #4 - Bowmen #5 - Buccaners #6 - Dark Knights #7 - Marksmen / Paladins #8- Shadowers (IF THEY DONT BOMB. IF THEY BOMB, THEY CAN BE #1) #9 - Mages EDIT: I'm not sure who has more DPS with apples, Buccaners vs. DrKs. I am going to have to go with buccaners. In a horntail run where everyone is appling, DrKs rank #6 on the list. Not very attractive if you are someone who enjoys high DPS. Of course, the list doesn't factor in the fact that warriors have stance / mobbing / high hp for survival which may give the illusion that they are stronger.
Bowmaster>Hero in every single way possible. There no way a BM will ever be whited by a Hero. Buccanners are nowhere close to be top 5. Just because you list them as number 5, that doesn't necessarily make it true.
Are you certain a BM is stronger than a Hero with SE in a 1v1 stand still? (no apple) If they are, why would anyone make a hero when they are out dpsed by so many classes? I'm pretty sure Heroes are stronger with SE. EDIT: ohh right washing
New DPS List - (In my opinion but I have years of experience so take it as you will) 1. Night lords 2. Corsairs No discussion here, these are generally agreed to be highest DPS in the game. 3. Heroes This is considering the fact that heroes have stance (which increases DPS by not being knocked) and usually, a BM will be in your party to SE you which makes you stronger than BMs. You also have the potential to get SI buff to increase DPS further which BMs are not affected by. Lastly, you have greater survival and mobbing, two key things that indirectly increases your DPS. 4. Bowmen I have played both a Hero and Bowmen before and very clearly a Hero (with buffs) is stronger. Bowmen have the best DPS buff in the game however. 5. Dark Knights Decent DPS but significantly below the top 4. 6. Buccaneers Similar DPS to Drks but more hits and faster attacking speed. Has SI 7. Shadowers No dicussion, generally considered second last if they don't use meso explosion. 8. Mages Generally agreed to have lowest DPS due to godlike mobbing skills.
I suggest you play around with this a bit before commenting about the BM v Hero debate; the credibility of the excel sheet is questionable, but personally, after comparing the range calculations I've done for a hypothetical level 200 sair and the figures that this excel sheet gives for the same stats, I can say this is pretty accurate. If you spend a little bit of time, you'll quickly see that even with SE and SI (the excel sheet is currently bugged, where if you input a value of 1 into the Speed Infusion column you'll get a DPS value calculated for SE+SI), a perfect ST hero will be at around 95% DPS of a perfect dragon shiner BM on gelts (+120 att), and this % DPS difference increases between hero and BM as you use lower att pots (heroes at 92% DPS of BMs when using no att pots). A BM will most likely white a hero at krex, will be about equal with a hero at Zak body (since BMs will be getting stunned while heroes have stance), and will perhaps be equal with heroes at HT in terms of 1v1 DPS. This, of course, is under the assumption that you have an SE + SI mule/BM + bucc in a party with you at all of these places, or else with just SE a hero will have almost no hope of whiting an equally funded BM even while taking stance into account. Spoiler: In case you REALLY want to get nitty-gritty Lets say you're in a HT run for exactly one hour/3600 seconds. Your party has both SE and SI. We'll take it that hero DPS is exactly 95% of BM DPS. We'll assume once you're hit by an attack, you spend 0.5 seconds each time re-adjusting your position. BM DPS: 220k per second Hero DPS: 209k per second (exactly 95%) Note these are hypothetical DPS values. Let's say you get hit 400 times during this hour long HT run (this is normally how many power elixers I use per hour at HT). Out of these 400 times, a hero will get knocked-back 40 times on average, and a BM will get knocked-back all 400 times. The BM gets knocked back 360 times more than the hero. 400 hits = 200 seconds spent by the BM re-adjusting attacking position 200 seconds with 220k DPS = 44m total damage lost 40 hits = 20 seconds spent by hero re-adjusting attacking position 20 seconds with 209k DPS = 4.18m total damage lost In 3600 seconds without any interruptions: A BM will deal 220,000*3600 = 792m damage A hero will deal 209,000*3600 = 752.4m damage In 3600 seconds with interruptions: A BM will deal 792 - 44m = 748m damage A hero will deal 752.4 - 4.18 = 748.22m damage Not taking into account the time it takes to rebuff (SE/booster for BMs, power guard/ACA/booster for heroes), in an hour at HT where both classes get hit 400 times and have these end-game DPS values, they will have almost the exact same overall damage. The differences will come from how lucky each person is when getting hit; I calculated that BMs got hit 400 times out of 400 hits, so I didn't factor in their avoidability. Each case will be different for each individual - one may be lazy or may have to brb during the run, etc. That said, I think both are fantastic classes despite being weaker than NLs and Sairs, since there is much, much more to Maplestory than damage. Heroes are much better than BMs at grinding and will overall gain more exp at bosses like Zak and HT due to their ability to hit multiple targets at once while dealing comparable single target damage. BMs are wanted everywhere as SE is scarce, and they are (along with MMs) what gets boss run squads going. ON TOPIC: Drks are similar to heroes in terms of DPS, with heroes edging Drks out by about 5% DPS when fully buffed (SE + SI). The difference will be hardly noticeable. That's the objective view. I'd personally go with Drk because you'd be giving more than just damage when it comes to bosses (HB), and because I just think they look cooler. You may want to go hero if you find that you like faster looking attacks; skis are normal attack speed but Spear Crusher looks really slow to me.
The thread and this post are super in depth. Good read. Another thing. The data assumes lvl 200 characters. Would changing the lvl to 145 (average bosser lvl) make a difference? I think that's when Heroes peak and perhaps BMs peak at a higher level? Thus supporting the argument of Hero > BM Edit : One more question. I usually get whited by Heroes who are less funded or lower level than me. Is there any reason for this besides gear? How big is this 5% difference? It doesn't seem as like it's hardly noticeable as you say. Edit: nvm read the thread. Drks do 90% hero dps which sounds right
Added a spoiler in my original post, but I'll post it here again: Spoiler: In case you REALLY want to get nitty-gritty Lets say you're in a HT run for exactly one hour/3600 seconds. Your party has both SE and SI. We'll take it that hero DPS is exactly 95% of BM DPS. We'll assume once you're hit by an attack, you spend 0.5 seconds each time re-adjusting your position. BM DPS: 220k per second Hero DPS: 209k per second (exactly 95%) Note these are hypothetical DPS values. Let's say you get hit 400 times during this hour long HT run (this is normally how many power elixers I use per hour at HT). Out of these 400 times, a hero will get knocked-back 40 times on average, and a BM will get knocked-back all 400 times. The BM gets knocked back 360 times more than the hero. 400 hits = 200 seconds spent by the BM re-adjusting attacking position 200 seconds with 220k DPS = 44m total damage lost 40 hits = 20 seconds spent by hero re-adjusting attacking position 20 seconds with 209k DPS = 4.18m total damage lost In 3600 seconds without any interruptions: A BM will deal 220,000*3600 = 792m damage A hero will deal 209,000*3600 = 752.4m damage In 3600 seconds with interruptions: A BM will deal 792 - 44m = 748m damage A hero will deal 752.4 - 4.18 = 748.22m damage Not taking into account the time it takes to rebuff (SE/booster for BMs, power guard/ACA/booster for heroes), in an hour at HT where both classes get hit 400 times and have these end-game DPS values, they will have almost the exact same overall damage. The differences will come from how lucky each person is when getting hit; I calculated that BMs got hit 400 times out of 400 hits, so I didn't factor in their avoidability. The case will be different for each individual - one may be lazy or may have to brb during the run, etc. All calculations done disregarding avoidability values, and at the end-game level, with SE AND SI. As I said earlier, heroes will NOT white BMs without SI. I can't comment on the difference between how fast heroes peak in comparison to BMs; this is solely at the end-game level.