Extalia is ded, sadly. GM announced server shut down in all of a sudden, then poof- announcement that they're shutting it down. I heard that EliniaMS is down too. :x
I pity those who spent 4 years gearing up there. All these link mules I geared up for nothing *cries in Japanese*
I highly suspect that the owners of Ellinia is the same as those who hosted Arcane, Lucid etc. Well known for starting up and getting enough funding > shut down > repeat on version. That's the reason why I never played it in the first place and came to MR. I fewl u...
RMZero? He goes into hiding after he makes enough money, then closes the server, then starts a new one on the current version with the newest name. I've heard about that guy's story over and over again. Shame so many people buy into his scam.
Played extalia for 4 years, and friend sent me this ss http://puu.sh/mhGLY/5fa9b34c67.jpg, honestly don't believe it was cause of "nexon", that's for you to decide though .
Wow, haven't seen a server shut down for these reasons for quite a while to be honest. Then again, private servers aren't really as big as they were in the earlier days. I remember all the 1000x rebirth servers being really crowded and constantly getting shut down.
Ew rebirth servers are bland and boring... they give me cringes... endless abilities and no point of achievement
Hahah - I enjoy both, mind you I haven't played a rebirth server for years now. Last one was probably RydahMS in 2009/10.
>Sivan logs into the IRC channel without masking her IP >Hidden's IP and location is revealed >he gets doxxed >Nexon NA sends a C&D >they have to close up everything in a matter of days before lawsuits out the ass BITCHES AINT SHIT BUT HOES N TRICKS
Why would an owner leave the PS once they get enough funding? If they are managing to make a profit from their current server, why invest into a new one? Not a serious question, just sightly confused