Matt said: If my math is correct it makes them like this... and ------------------- That means we can know about "mobtime", that could be useful for everyone.
BF had 9 hours re-spawn time in GMS, plus 20 channels. I want to finish my deputy quest and I can't since he spawns oh, once a day and who knows when exactly.
Should remove the "4 hour respawn timer" from King Clang, Stumpy, Faust and basically every other mini boss, respawn time is not 4 hours, I camped and timed these bosses and barely any spawned before 5 hours +.
Thanks for the guide! The question now is, if Deo's spawn rate isnt 5 minutes, what is it then? It doesn't say anywhere.
don't think snowman is 6 hours since i checked around 5 hours after i cleared them and it spawned again
Can this guide please be updated? If these spawn times are still relevant, can it be clarified? It seems that most of these spawn times don't coincide with the actual spawn times on the server.