Name/Age: Daniella/21 IGN/Class/Level: Hellacopter/Priest/110 Country/State(US): California Something about yourself: I like to eat cream cheese with syrup on toast and I've been told that's kind of weird. Previous guilds, if any? JustKidding (disbanded) Why did you choose Oblivion? My friend Pete said you guys are a cool nice bunch of people to hang out with. Favorite Zelda game? Ocarina of Time for N64 Favorite Pokemon game? Probably Pokemon Yellow since you could talk to Pikachu What's the recommended level to join? 120 (sorry D
Name/Age: Noam, 19 IGN/Class/Level: Tazdingo, Night Lord, 150 Country/State(US): Israel Something about yourself: I like burgers, pizzas, burgers with pizzas and pizzas with burgers. Previous guilds, if any? Boobs Why did you choose Oblivion? I have some friends in Oblivion who I met when I was in Boobs and I know the guild is awesome. Also, BOOBLIVION! Favorite Zelda game? Sadly I've never played any of the Zelda games Favorite Pokemon game? Same goes here iknowiknowplsdontjudgeme What's the recommended level to join? As long as you're kewl and follow the rules I don't think your character's level actually matters, although reaching the higher levels shows that you're dedicated
@Eli, who are you and what you did to my boy @Narutard? Also gratz on Jr @San <3 To my guild mates: I miss playing with you all! To @dingus : Wb
Name/Age: Timothy/22 years old IGN/Class/Level: Yaichi/BM/169 Country/State(US): USA/NewYork Something about yourself: Anime usually shonen. Video Games except FPS cuz cant aim. Previous guilds, if any? Balance and Boobs Why did you choose Oblivion? Allianced with Boobs and Boobs is kinda ded Favorite Zelda game? #1 Favorite Link 2 da past(GBA) and its remake Link Between Worlds(3DS) . #2 Favorite Phantom Hourglass(DS Lite) Favorite Pokemon game? Pokemon HG/SS Where the Favorite Megaman game question at tho? Megaman X and Megaman BattleNetwork What's the recommended level to join? at least 70?
Apologies for the late replies but already added in-game anyway! * Note that we aren't actively recruiting ATM and applications will not be accepted unless told otherwise in-game before posting! Guild2full
Not as weird as my other night's dinner: Dutch chocolate cookies with bacon cream cheese... or my all-time weird food: filet mignon with sweetened creamcheese.
Name/Age: Håvard(call me Havi) 20 years old. IGN/Class/Level: HolyCod, Bishop lvl 173 Country/State(US): Norway Something about yourself: I love to make music Previous guilds, if any? my own, Immortals. Why did you choose Oblivion? Friend's recommendation & wanted to join for a while Favorite Zelda game? uh Favorite Pokemon game? √uh What's the recommended level to join? 120+