What game is apple killing? Every company has switched to the same aluminum shells. The hardware is all made by the same manufacturers in the same factories--apple just charges 5x as much for it. No-hassle warranty repairs/good support is all apple has going for itself. I'll throw in decent resale value as well. I'm noticing more and more students shying away from macbooks.
Even the products from companies that have cloned apples shit, they are not the same. Design is subjective to an extent, but the zenbook isn't nearly as attractive imo, like it isn't even close, as far as how it feels I havent used it so I cant comment. I have used the xps which is pretty good but it has its quirks, my buddies' constantly double clicks when it shouldn't be, and this is a known issue. Apple would never let that thing out the door doing that. The zenbook might be snappy when doing things within you os, it has nice components so of course it will be. Yes apple puts alot of the same shit in their machines, often even worse shit as far as components go. The thing is Apple for the most part isn't try to out spec people, they are putting out a machine that is greater than the sum of its parts. Find me someone who has been on a windows laptop for like 5 years and has nice things to say about it, I guarantee the apple equivalent is still running like a champ. Windows isn't going to be unless you are doing fresh installs of your os which you shouldn't have to do. Anecdotal but from what im seeing its students grabbing surfaces over macbooks, probably because my generation prefers tablets with meme tier apps over real programs. I don't really think its generic windows laptops that are taking away their market share amongst students.
My last laptop, a Lenovo, lasted me 5-6 years before I got a new one. And it worked just fine after that too, it was just a bit out dated. My current Lenovo is 3 years old and still has at least 2 years in it, probably more if I reinstall Windows. The people who say Windows laptops don't last long simply don't have the wherewithal to take care of a computer.
Might be able to get a much cheaper than retail, completely new Samsung laptop. Actually got my current laptop for super cheap from him too. Taking price out of consideration, could anyone recommend me a specific model? Or should I really shy away from Samsung (I'm aware of the whole bloatware issue, but last time he got rid of most pre-installed things for me).
My friend's windows lasted him 10 years. But I think you mean to compare apple made to everyhing else. The OS doesn't decide if the computer is going to last, the hardware does. If you get viruses and lots of junk on your OS, and don't know how to remove it, you'll think the computer is toast and you need a new one but that is simply not the case. As someone mentioned, non apple made pcs can have the same parts as apple pcs.
People are going to end up with more junk on the windows machine since even when uninstalling a program a ton of bullshit is left behind. Even a user that is savy enough to avoid virus's will get this. This is going to potentially worsen your experience over time. (I believe osx has a way of dealing with this) Yes a windows machine can be refreshed by just slapping a fresh install of windows on it but if all else is equal why would you buy a machine where that is required to maintain performance if you could find something equivalent or better where you don't have to. and that is just talking in terms of performance. A decently specced macbook is going to kill any similarly priced windows machine and in build quality / aesthetics. If your not trying to spend much on the laptop then yeah the windows machines are not satan on earth, but once your at the point where your spending enough to consider a macbook it still often seems like the better option.
Even if I could choose over a high-performed apple product against a low/mid-performed windows product, I'd still go with the windows one since there are way more applications/games that are supported for it. Macs are always going to be superior in media editing but when it comes to gaming quality, sorry but that's where windows/linux goes to my favour and always be. Oh ye...
Revo Uninstaller. I never reinstalled on my other laptop, I'm only considering it to extend the life. My laptop would last a couple more years without that easy, I just want it to be in optimal condition. Build/aesthetics is of minimal importance to anyone who wants a machine that runs more powerful programs and games. The only thing Macs do better than windows are computer design, portability, and battery life. Graphic design is pretty comparable now a days. Everything else, for similarly priced products, Windows will blow a Mac out of the water.
Thanks to everyone again for their input. Going to see if I can find any of the suggestions given here in duty-free. If I can't, I'll just buy one when I'm back from my trip. ^^
Well I have a 3,500$ MSI Gaming Laptop it.... Is BEASTLY 18'' screen, NEWEST Processor, Just the beast it sounds like. No Lag, Play Skyrim Lagfree on max setting. No issues at all. Only downside is I have to use an external hard drive for anything more than 4 games. Lol then again more games=more lag.
The issue with a GOOD laptop is that battery life is usually a lowered setting meaning it'd be like 4 hours for a good laptop, Mine lasts around 9 Hours but that is because I changed my battery myself.
_I'm planning on buying a cheap but stable laptop and the brand that caught my attention is ThinkPad x200, those laptop are considered cheap and good perfomance (2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 , 2gb ram, Intel GMA X4500HD). Is there anyone has used this laptop and give me a short review ? That would helped me a lot ! Thanks. _More info about thinkpad x200: http://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo-thinkpad-x200-series/
hi is your zenbook the ux305 fanless ultrabook from asus? I'm planning to get this but i'm just afraid it will heat up a lot playing maple royals. Does it?
2gb seems a little too less. I'd go for at least 4gb. Keep in mind that your operating system needs RAM aswell. For example the windows 7 64bit version needs 2gb on it's own.
LENOVO THINKPAD, ultra battery life, super fast boot, 0 noise whatsoever (unless its older then you get a new thermal paste), doesn't heat up as far as my personal experience, maple works perfectly fine, I'm not sure what demanding programs are, but its performance is sacrificed for whatever has been posted in my first sentence. It can run most programs, I've hooked up my keyboard and soundboard with ableton live, works perfectly well. but it cannot run medium-heavy duty games, but mapleroyals works super well (unless ya got windows 10) xD.
Honestly, I would recommend you steer clear of Lenovo, Dell, and Acer. Most of their laptops are low quality, and the ones that aren't are filled with malware (such as the SuperFish exploit discovered on many Lenovo laptops. Thankfully it has since been removed, but I can't trust them after a fuck up that big). ASUS makes a decent gaming laptop, part of their ROG line, that can be had for around 1000 USD depending on where you look. It has an Intel i7, at least 8 GB of RAM, an SSD, and a dedicated mobile NVidia GPU. My parents bought one for my sister before she got sent to boot camp, and it runs like a charm. As said above, the Asus ZenBook is also great. I had that laptop, and it runs Royals perfectly, but it would struggle with Dota 2. It's mostly an Ultrabook meant for text editing, browsing the web, or viewing videos. Would also recommend a Surface or MacBook Pro.