Spoiler: changelog June 27 2016 - Added Showa Scrolls, updated mapleroyals library links to new domain May 5 2016 - Added NLC scrolls, also slightly changed format for scroll table Fixed the intro, since the old one was out of date.Mar 26 2016 - Added Nautilus scrolls, PAC, Amorian Relaxer. All work now done in notepad and pasted over.Mar 16 2016 - Added Kerning scrolls. Lag still hampers progress. Mar 15 2016 - Added Wand as was suggested and the Ellinia scrolls from previous list. Editing is starting to lag a lot and slowing the process down. Mar 14 2016 - Happy Pi Day! Got all the P-erion scrolls transferred from old list. Also updated intro for fun.Mar 13 2016 - fixed links in non-scroll use and set-up. Scrolls started, added white and chaos. Also moved henesys scrolls from old guide (2 scrolls total )Mar 12 2016 - Wow long hiatus. Put non-scroll use into a table and figured out background colours for cells. woooot. Won't change set-up cause what's the point.Feb 15 2016 - "Finished" the Equips table. There's plenty of things missing but all equips from the previous list is now here. Changed some intro stuff between the changelog and table of contents.Feb 14 2016 - Added the Warrior equips to the Warrior table. Might be back later today. Feb 13 2016 - After talking to Chok, we now have sortable tables implemented. Which means I'm reformatting again. Last time I promise! First table took 2 hours (no shortcuts this time) so I'm taking a break but all Equips will go in the same table! MapleRoyals library is also back up so I'm replacing all links. Once this is set-up, I can finally start on scrolls.Feb 7 2016 - Decided on a layout and implemented it. Lots of support for levels, but I agree with Plenty - they aren't needed and only serve to clutter. I experimented with different colours for each location, instead of reducing their size, but found it at best a neutral change, and at worst unhelpful. If you want to know levels, click the links! Also - if an administrator comes by and feels like deleting the poll (as it's no longer in need, and apparently I didn't ever need it anyway) that would be greatly appreciated!Feb 4 2016 - Added a changelog. Re-added Set-up section. Scared to move on scrolls until I know exactly what I'm doing with layout. Note - will have to ask for Set-up SS's in the future, as this section is very incomplete. NOTE: This is outdated for the new source. Hey everyone, Shepherd here. This is an ongoing process to update the gacha logs. The old attempt by Maggles had stopped updating in 2014 long before it was finished. One day, I may ask for SS's of new droplogs. Posting on Plenty's droplog thread will also get seen by me, if I still have eyesight when this finishes. As of February 13th we have Sortable Tables - just click on the header and it'll sort by that column. This will be the format used for all items. Anything inside a table is considered to be "complete" so if you spot a mistake you must let me know for it to change. Also, I'd like to get equips listed as Male or Female, where applicable. If you spot one that's missing a gender tag it should have (in the name) let me know! I am still transferring all the information from the original Gachapon list for now. All links now lead to MapleRoyals' Libary (royals.ms/library). Obviously all due credit goes to @maggles et al. for the original list, from which I am stealing. Table of Contents Equips Scrolls Use (Non-Scrolls) Set-up Equips NameLevelJob(s)Location(s) Angry Mask25AllShowa Bamboo Spear20AllSleepy Black Starry Bandana20AllSleepy Blue Old Wisconsin20AllSleepy Bow-tie(Green)30AllNLC Branch Nose40AllNLC Bullseye Board55AllShowa Crying Mask25AllSleepy Duck Tube50AllCBD Emergency Rescue Tube60AllNLC Fan65AllSleepy Fishing Pole45AllShowa Frozen Tuna10AllSleepy Fruity Bamboo22AllSleepy Glowing Whip40AllSleepy Green Bandana10AllHenesys Green Strap Shoes21AllSleepy Green Umbrella8AllShowa Grey Bandana10AllNautilus Grey Work Gloves10AllSleepy Hard Hat60AllSleepy Horus's Eye70AllNLC Hula Hoop45AllSleepy Kebob75AllSleepy Lifeguard Saver20AllCBD Light Purple Umbrella25AllNLC Maple Leaf(Link will be fixed later)0AllSleepy Necomimi30AllSleepy Palette30AllSleepy Pink Adventurer Cape50AllPerion Pink Bandana10AllKerning Purple Bandana10AllNautilus Purple Gaia Cape65AllShrine Purple Old Wisconsin20AllSleepy Purple Surfboard95AllNLC Purple Work Gloves10AllSleepy Raccoon Mask35AllSleepy Ragged Red Cape25AllShowa Rat Mouth25AllNLC Red Flowery Tube25AllCBD Red Marker20AllShowa Red Old Wisconsin20AllShowa Red Surfboard (?Levels 15 or 95?)95*AllShowa Red Umbrella55AllShowa Shield Earrings100AllSleepy Silver Snowboard24AllShowa Singapore Flag (Beginner)0AllCBD Sky Ski85AllShowa Smiling Mask (Level 10 or 25)10*AllSleepy Sword Earrings (Known as Silver Earrings in Royals)100AllCBD Thermometer10AllNLC Turquoise Musketeer Cape95AllShowa Versalmas Cactus30AllShowa] Violet Snowshoes80AllShowa White Mop65AllShowa White Mouse Kit [1](No link at MR Library?)10AllCBD White Mouse Kit [3]10AllShowa White Raccoon Mask45AllCBD White Starry Bandana20AllSleepy Yellow Adventurer Cape50AllShowa Yellow Bandana10AllNautilus Yellow Work Gloves10AllShowa Maroon Mop36BeginnerNLC Bloody Platina Pants (F)70WarriorPerion Blue Dragon Helmet110WarriorPerion Blue Ice Queen (Top)60WarriorPerion Blue Seal Cushion105WarriorSleepy Crossheider100WarriorShowa Dark Commodore (M)90WarriorPerion Dark Grace Helmet90WarriorPerion Dark Lucida Skirt (F)100WarriorPerion Dark Orientican Pants (M)60WarriorPerion Dark Rivers Boots80WarriorPerion Dark Valhalla Helmet100WarriorPerion Dragon Carabella110WarriorPerion Dragon Claymore110WarriorPerion Eviscerator'120WarriorCBD Gold Hildon Boots50WarriorPerion Mikhail70WarriorPerion Pink Seal Cushion105WarriorSleepy Sai50Thief, WarriorKerning Singapore Flag (One Handed Sword)30WarriorCBD Singapore Flag (Pole Arm)30WarriorCBD Singapore Flag (Spear)30WarriorCBD Singapore Flag (Two Handed Axe)30WarriorCBD Singapore Flag (Two Handed Sword)30WarriorCBD Stonetooth Sword100WarriorNLC Cao Cao Bow54BowmanShowa Dark Lineros70BowmanHenesys Dark Neschere100BowmanKerning Dragon Shiner Bow110BowmanHenesys Fire Raven80BowmanHenesys Gross Jaeger70BowmanHenesys Red Hunter Gloves110BowmanHenesys Singapore Flag (Crossbow)30BowmanCBD Yellow Crow90BowmanHenesys Arc Staff45MagicianEllinia Dark Sage90MagicianEllinia Dark Penance50MagicianEllinia Doomsday Staff102MagicianCBD Elemental Staff 4103MagicianCBD Elemental Staff 5163MagicianSleepy Elemental Staff 7163MagicianShowa Elemental Wand 270MagicianShowa Elemental Wand 370MagicianSleepy Elemental Wand 5130MagicianNLC Elemental Wand 6130MagicianShrine Elemental Wand 7130MagicianCBD Magicodar88MagicianEllinia Pink Flower Tube (Staff)30MagicianShowa Poison Mushroom30MagicianSleepy Singapore Flag (Staff)30MagicianCBD Black Scarab70ThiefKerning Blood Nightfox70ThiefKerning Dark Identity60ThiefKerning Dark Katte100ThiefKerning Dark Mystra90ThiefKerning Dark Pirate Skirt80ThiefKerning Dark Scorpio60ThiefKerning Dragon Khanjar120ThiefShowa Dragon Kreda110ThiefKerning Dragon Purple Sleeve110ThiefKerning Gold Pow60ThiefKerning Gold Rover70ThiefKerning Maroon Moon Pants (F)50ThiefKerning Purple Osfa Boots90ThiefKerning Raven's Claw80ThiefKerning Red China50ThiefKerning Red Mystique Pants70ThiefKerning Sapphire Slain50ThiefKerning Singapore Flag (Claw)30ThiefCBD Singapore Flag (Dagger)30ThiefCBD Steel Slain50ThiefKerning Varkit90ThiefKerning Black Pirate's Bandana70PirateNautilus Burning Hell60PirateNautilus Concerto100PirateNautilus Fury Claw50PirateNautilus Purple Cast Linen60PirateNautilus Red Belly Duke100PirateNautilus Red Brave Hama90PirateNautilus Scrolls Dark?NamePercentLocation nWhite ScrollN/ANLC nChaos Scroll60Shrine yPole Arm for ATT30Perion yPole Arm for ATT70Perion yPole Arm for ATT10Perion yPole Arm for ATT60Perion yTwo-Handed Axe for ATT30Perion yfor Two-Handed Axe for ATT70Perion nTwo-Handed Axe for ATT10Perion nTwo-Handed Axe for ATT60Perion yOne-Handed Axe for ATT30Perion yOne-Handed Axe for ATT70Perion nOne-Handed Axe for ATT60Perion yTwo-Handed BW for ATT30Perion yTwo-Handed BW for ATT70Perion nTwo-Handed BW for ATT10Perion nTwo-Handed BW for ATT60Perion yOne-Handed BW for ATT30Perion yfor One-Handed BW for ATT70Perion nOne-Handed BW for ATT60Perion yfor Two-Handed Sword for ATT30Perion nTwo-Handed Sword for ATT10Perion nTwo-Handed Sword for ATT60Perion yOne-Handed Sword for ATT30Perion yOne-Handed Sword for ATT70Perion nOne-Handed Sword for ATT60Perion ySpear for ATT30Perion nSpear for ATT10Perion nSpear for ATT60Perion yOverall for STR70Perion yOverall Armor for DEX30Perion yOverall Armor for DEX70Perion nOverall Armor for DEX10Perion nWand for Magic Attack60Ellinia nStaff for Magic Attack60Ellinia nOverall Armor for Luk60Ellinia yOverall Armor for Luk30Ellinia, Kerning nOverall Armor for Luk10Kerning yOverall Armor for Luk70Kerning nOverall Armor for Dex10Kerning nOverall Armor for Dex60Kerning yOverall Armor for Dex70Kerning yClaw for ATT30Kerning nClaw for ATT60Kerning yClaw for ATT70Kerning nDagger for ATT10Kerning yDagger for ATT70Kerning yGloves for ATT70Kerning yGloves for ATT30Nautilus yGun for ATT30Nautilus yGun for ATT70Nautilus nGun for ATT10Nautilus yKnuckler for ATT30Nautilus nKnuckler for ATT10Nautilus nKnuckler for ATT60Nautilus nOverall Armor for STR60Nautilus nOverall Armor for DEX60Nautilus yBow for ATT30Henesys nBow for ATT10Henesys nShield for Weapon Att.10NLC nShield for Magic Att.10NLC nGloves for Magic Att.100NLC nShield for STR60NLC nOverall for STR60NLC nTopwear for STR60NLC nOverall Armor for INT60NLC nHelmet for INT10NLC nCape for INT100NLC nEarring for INT?NLC nEye Accessory for INT10NLC nOverall Armor for DEX10NLC nHelmet for DEX10NLC nEarring for DEX10NLC nBottomwear for DEX60NLC nCape for DEX100NLC nOverall Armor for LUK60NLC nShield for LUK10NLC nEarring for LUK10NLC nTopwear for LUK10NLC nCape for LUK100NLC nShoes for Jump60NLC nShield for DEF10NLC nGloves for HP10NLC nTopwear for HP60NLC nBottomwear for HP60NLC nEarring for HP10NLC nEye Accessory for Accuracy10NLC nFace Accessory for Avoidability10NLC nScroll for Shield for Magic Att60Showa nScroll for Shield for Weapon Att60Showa nScroll for Overall for STR100Showa nScroll for Shield for STR10Showa nScroll for Earring for INT60Showa nScroll for Helmet for INT60Showa nScroll for Overall Armor for INT100Showa nScroll for Eye Accessory for INT60Showa nScroll for Cape for INT?Showa nScroll for Bottomwear for DEX100Showa nScroll for Helmet for DEX60Showa nScroll for Shoes for DEX100Showa nScroll for Cape for DEX?Showa nScroll for Earring for LUK100Showa nScroll for Overall Armor for LUK100Showa nScroll for Shield for LUK60Showa nScroll for Topwear for LUK100Showa nScroll for Cape for LUK?Showa nScroll for Bottomwear for DEF100Showa nScroll for Earring for DEF?Showa nScroll for Cape for Magic Def?Showa nScroll for Topwear for DEF100Showa nScroll for Bottomwear for HP100Showa nScroll for Earring for HP100Showa nScroll for Shield for HP60Showa nScroll for Gloves for HP60Showa nScroll for Face Accessory for HP60Showa nScroll for Topwear for HP100Showa nScroll for Helmet for HP?Showa nScroll for Cape for HP?Showa nScroll for Cape for MP?Showa nScroll for Bottomwear for Jump100Showa nScroll for Shoes for Jump60Showa nScroll for Eye Accessory for Accuracy60Showa nScroll for Helmet for Accuracy60Showa nScroll for Face Accessory for Avoidability60Showa nScroll for Shoes for Speed100Showa Use (Non-Scrolls) NamePerionKerningHenesysElliniaNautilusNLCShowaShrineCBDSleepy Black Sacknononononononononoyes Chocolatenononononononononoyes Elixirnononononoyesyesyesyesyes Eternal Bulletnononononoyesyesnoyesno Hwabi Throwing-Starnononononoyesyesnoyesno Melting Cheeseyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesno Power Elixiryesyesyesyesyesyesyesnoyesyes Return Scroll - Nearest Townnononononononononoyes Tao of Sightnononononononononoyes The Energizer Drinknononononononononoyes Vital Bulletnononononononononoyes Watermelonyesyesnonoyesyesyesyesyesyes Set-up Amorian Relaxer - Sleepy Beach Chair - Showa Blue Seal Cushion - CBD Fishing Chair - Nautilus Green Chair - NLC Grey Seal Cushion - NLC Kadomatsu - Shrine Moon Star Chair - Sleepy Red Round Chair - CBD The Red Relaxer - Shrine Warrior Throne - Sleepy White Seal Cushion - Kerning
Thank you so much for doing this (even though it's not complete)! Personally, I'd find it easier if in each section (ie. Beginner, Thief, etc.) you first sort it by location, then by name. You wouldn't need to create more spoilers, just put a gap in between the locations. By doing so, I feel like people who only gach at the more "profitable" locations can easily determine which gachapons are better as well. For example: (Under "All") Lv. 55 Bullseye Board - Showa Lv. 8 Green Umbrella - Showa Lvl. 0 Maple Leaf - Showa Lv. 55 Red Umbrella - Showa ---------------- Lv. 65 Fan - Sleepy Lv. 60 Hard Hat - Sleepy Lv. 10 Mask (Crying) - Sleepy Lv. 10 Mask (Smiling) - Sleepy Also, I feel like the levels are more of a side-bonuses, and are unnecessary to the organization process, since most people would already know what level the item is if they're actually trying to gach for it. But, it's good to include them as a little side reference. Ooh! You can also do stuff with colours, but you can decide what to do with that. c: Keep up the good work, and good luck!
Ooh, didn't think about profitable vs. not. Although the previous one was set-up exactly that way and everyone stills asks anyway... I'll see what I can do, but I think organizing by location makes a lot of sense regardless.
Haha, I was talking about the gachapons being "profitable or not" as a whole gachapon. But I now that you put it that way...you might have more work to do.
First off, thanks for taking the time to make this. I think you should get rid of spoilers because people can't cntl+f whatever they're curious to see.
Yep, on it - Rob already mentioned. Looking at other options. I don't suppose you know if this forum can support drop-down sorting in tables, do you?
Only Perion. If you haven't already, take a look at some various Gachapon runs on my Gachapon thread I made a while back: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/gachapon-droplogs.14620/ Not a fan of adding the levels for each item. I would put the Gachapon location in a smaller font to help differentiate from the item name and location.
My OCD is killing me from the "lv." and "lvl." and random spaces in between text showing up inconsistently, but I figure it's just an early layout so nbd. Things I liked: Level sorting, item type sorting, item links, non-redundant entries. One thing I'd recommend is to add an identifier for rare items obtained from gachapon. I figured the only reason people would use the list other than to find specific items is to decide which locations could potentially net a large profit. It'd be up to you to decide what is considered rare, but imo it'd make this list much more useful. I'd also try color coding the town names and bold/underline the class for each equipment type. Try for low saturation (NO NEON), but easily distinguishable colors if you can. Changing the font style to something else might be easier on the eyes as well. Reducing the size of the level requirements might also look better, but you'll have to play around with that. You may want to consider skipping adding the URLs until the library is nearly complete. I think it'd save you a lot of time since most people already know to visit the bbb.hiddenstreet.net database for MapleInfo. Btw, great work so far.
Ahaha, I noticed it too with the levels. Was originally gonna go fix it, but I did away with them altogether (before you even made this Must have barely beaten you to it). Regarding colour - When making the current layout I had experimented with exactly that, but found it to not be very useful/actually rather distracting. Perhaps I'll try it out again and let people have a look. A lot of people seem to like Level sorting but I can't actually figure out why - if you know what you're looking for you don't need it and if you don't you'll want to click on the link anyway... Good idea for denoting things as rare though. I'll also probably follow through on not adding any more links until MapleRoyals' library is back up.
Well, my reason for preferring the level requirement being on that list is to get a general feel of what is and isn't useful to me. While several people know absolutely every item's name and level, there are those who are still in the process of figuring it out, myself included. I have no idea what an item is just by the name alone and would prefer not to click through every link to see if I could use it on a certain character. Sorting from (A-Z) is pretty useless for someone who doesn't know what they're looking for.
It's not done, and I haven't had a chance to update it in a while. So no, it shouldn't, until it's at least kinda in a good state.