(つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚ Enable profile posts on your forum pls. Also, make a time for my untimely demise and broken promise of winning that dank White Scroll.
Woops. Sorry. Didn't know that this started x.x I'm free from now until 6 hrs later and then free again 14 hrs later. Hit me up either in this thread or in PMs or w.e xP
Showdown name: PINK IS AWESOME I just want to provide an update and apologize for my ability to get online. I've been in Atlanta on a business trip (never thought I'd say that phrase in my life) since Sunday, and have had very limited access to personal time. @PuddingPrince (OU) and @Zynzer (Random), I apologize for my lack of availability. My next (guaranteed) availability will be Thursday after work when I get back home, at approximately 5-530PM Central time, through roughly 10PM before going to bed. I believe Friday is the deadline, so if Thursday between 530-1030 CT works for anyone, let me know here or via inbox and we can make it happen.
That should be fine. Preferably either the lower end or the upper end as I have an organization to go to in the middle of that time xD
Thanks for posting; if necessary, we should be able to give you and your opponents one extra days (the weekend might help for availability purposes) if necessary, but please try to have your battles done by the posted deadline.
pudding ready? Random battle vs Pudding http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-325700187 OU battle against nisha/Courtney http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-326201438
Okay - I'll hit you up with an inbox message as soon as I get home. If I get home too late and you need to run to your event, then I can make sure I'm online for when you get back.
I'm usually around 7pm-12am pst =/ so thats about 10pm est? x.x I don't finish class til at least 4pm pst.
I have class Monday 1PM-4PM Est (11AM-1PMPST), Tuesday 6PM-8PM (3-5PM PST), Wednesday 5-7:30PM (2-4:30PM PST) and Thursday 2PM-8PM (11AM-5PM PST)
So we were doing some random scrims just for fun, and this happened. @Courtney @Lyrium Yes... that's a crit (7.5%), a freeze (10%), first turn thaw (20%) and a flinch (10%) all in one turn, on a 95% accurate move... giving this a 0.0001425% chance of occurring. May the hax gods ever be in your favor. In a somewhat related note, if anyone would be interested in joining a Pokemon Skype group so that they can get in on the hax fun, feel free to PM me directly.