Omg, I absolutely loved this movie! Definitely one of the funniest films I saw last year. They're going to making a sequel, I can't wait! Last film I saw: The Revenant. All I have to say is: Give Leo his Oscar already dammit!
Goosebumps. I was a Goosebumps nerd & still am :x When I first found out that they're making a movie I was so thrilled I've got many of the books & I never get bored of reading them :x
Yes it is enjoyable, Bella! I would definitely watch it again haha. They don't have it in your country yet? Let me send you a link to watch online via pm
Well since I watched too many movies in the last 3 days I'll just list them all - Spotlight - Room - The Revenant - Carol - Creed - Steve Jobs - The Walk - The Danish Girl - Joy
Mockingbird Don't Sing It's based on a true story about a feral child who was locked up in her basement until the age of 13. It was interesting in a scientific way.
I just watched National Treasure again. I'm a sucker for over the top logic films like this Spoiler And also for the one true god, Nicholas Cage.
Batman V Superman. If you read the comics, you'll probably love it. If you don't, the action will still keep you entertained (I think), but all in all it'll be an average movie.
Silver Linings Playbook for the 53796894th time. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper are such an OTP