Say I goto my friends house and while im there I vote on my account, will I get banned for voting on a different IP? And will he get IP banned for a different account voting on his HWID/IP?
I'd suggest not trying to vote from your friend's house as only one of you will be able to vote from there in any given 24-hour period. If you vote from there less than 24 hours after you last voted from home, or less than 24 hours before you next vote from home, that would technically be counted as vote abuse. If you're going to be there for any length of time, can I suggest you vote from your phone (making sure to leave 24 hours after you last voted)?
If you're going to be there for some time and find yourself really unsure what to do for the best, it might be worth sending Matt or John a PM to make them aware of the situation and that you don't want to end up unintentionally vote abusing.
Note taken. He used to play royals but im not sure if he still does now. I'll be on the safe side and PM matt later if I'm actually going to be at his house for awhile.