Since a lot of people have been applying. We'll try to be more strict since the guild is reaching maximum capacity. We'll probably do a cleanup very soon since a silent member isn't an active member. We want everyone in this guild to get along with each other. You can still apply, but we'll look at it more strictly.
Welcome to Pandora Charlie. You have been accepted to the guild! Please PM a Jr in game to be invited.
◇ Name: Andrew ◇ IGN: DKwhyiDK ◇ Age: 19 ◇ Country: Singapore ◇ About yourself: Hi! I'm a very outgoing person and at times can be very quiet ( when i grind alot ), somewhere along the lines of being bipolar? (but not that extreme of course) I like to play games such as maple, LoL, osu!.. and well yea i just game alot xD. I like to watch loads of anime too, just your average weeab aye. ◇ Why Pandora? I've recently joined this server ever since extalia went down and was thinking about going back to the nostalgic days, such as playing pre BB and well yea when i went to the guilds section browsed through i saw that ya'll are pretty chill and all so i thought why not? also i hope that i can spend my time here in maple with a new found family
◇ Name: Joanna ◇ IGN: JoannaHong ◇ Age: 18 ◇ Country: Canada/Korea ◇ About yourself: Hello~ My name is Joanna and I just started royals a week ago! I'm Korean and I can speak both Korean and English fluently. I actually started MapleRoyals because I wanted to take a break from league and go back to the times when I played maple back in the pre bigbang korean maple server! ◇ Why Pandora? When I first started MapleRoyals, a guild called tempest helped me out get settled to this new environment! However, I did start this game with my real life friends, and my friend in the Pandora guild recommended this guild and wanted me to join Pandora because of their nice and chilly environment.
◇ Name: Lionel ◇ IGN: Desh ◇ Age: 20 ◇ Country: Singapore ◇ About yourself: Hello! It's me! Well I'm actually a gamer and my body clock is always screwed be it if it's holiday or not. But anyway before i joined Royals I was playing league more often compared to now. And of course, I'll watch Running Man when I'm bored ◇ Why Pandora? Well I find it that Pandora is more of socializing which is quite similar to Drama!
Welcome to Pandora Lionel, you have been accepted to the guild! Please PM a JR in game to be invited.
◇ Name: Johan ◇ IGN: RedBeanPorri ◇ Age: 18 ◇ Country: Malaysia ◇ Why Pandora? It was really nice hearing about the (admittedly very) deep history of kom/ditto/pandora and I would love to join Pandora. I recently joined kom after leaving my old guild which was in a similar situation to this guild (iris you already know about this). And well yeah...kom isn't exactly getting back on its feet (rip). I've spoken to some of you and you are all extremely friendly and fun to be around so far. I would love to be apart of an active and social guild.
◇ Name: Jessica ◇ IGN: xBlueHeal ◇ Age: 22 ◇ Country: The Netherlands ◇ About yourself: I Love Smoking Weed And Playing Royals <3 ◇ Why Pandora? Becoz im looking for a friendly and active guild and i got some friends in here already. Also im very active kind and funny i guess so INVITE ME AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN.
◇ Name: Ran ◇ IGN: Ranningan ◇ Age: 20 ◇ Country: Israel ◇ About yourself: I am Ran, came back to this version of maple for some nostalgia, used to play this game about 8 years ago, My main hobbies are playing the Piano/Guitar and playing Basketball, I really like to communicate, have LoLs with the guildies and generally just hanging out with everyone, i will gladly try and get to know everyone in the guild, the more the better. I look forward to doing Gpqs and more as I level up. ◇ Why Pandora? The current guild I am in Envy is a very loved guild and I really liked my stay in there but the timezones are just too different for me(the guild is mainly from the US), Therefore I never get to run with the guild or be active when most of the members are online. thus I decided to make a change, and i look forward to do the things I couldnt with Envy with you guys
◇ IGN: homie ◇ Age: 17 ◇ Country: usa ◇ About yourself: uh im chris and im from florida im not very good at maplestory and i basically just sit around all the time lmao ◇ Why Pandora? i chose pandora because it started off as a misunderstood bribe from lunacake for mesos.. but it turned into something else... a spark flew... and thats why im here. now.
After thoughtful consideration among the jrs, we have decided to reject your application. We wish you well on your future endeavor!
name:cw ign:vvhat age:24 country:malaysia about yourself : i am a guy , got wife , got son, i love maple why pandora: i am dream3r real life friend ~ he tell me this is a good guild ! so i want to join =)
HOIIIIIIIII GUYS. sorry. Just got excited to see the guild. Is there a guild chat thread or something. soznotsoz