Name/Age: Erik/17 IGN/Class/Level: Erran/Night Lord/165 Country/State(US): Sweden Something about yourself: Right now im studying game design, i always listen to music and uh im kinda lucky when it comes to chaos scrolls How long have you played MapleRoyals? I started playing royals at the beginning of 2016 so about 5 months now, time really flies Previous guilds, if any? Drama, Yoghurt, Arcady for like a week or so Why did you choose Oblivion? I met Seb randomly when i were looking for a bossing partner, we eventually became friends and he told me to join Oblivion. So i checked it out and Oblivion seems to be a very good, friendly and talkactive guild Favorite Pokemon game? Pearl ofcourse, spent endless of hours on that game What's the recommended level to join? Uhm 120+ id say
Both already accepted and added soon after applications were sent in Accepted! Please contact any Junior Master to join (Oops I went AFK earlier)
Name/Age: Mirko, 24 IGN/Class/Level: QuickBullets / Corsair / 137 Country/State(US): Chile ! Something about yourself: Studying mechanical engineering (doing my thesis and Royals is ruining everything xD). I f**** love exotic food and weird cultures. I cant live without music and good books . How long have you played MapleRoyals?: 2 Months? or something like that. Previous guilds, if any?: With this char nope . My bishop have guild (Favored ). Why did you choose Oblivion?: I love PQs, and GPQ is one of my favourites. Since i saw you guys on leaderboards i wanted to join. Favorite Zelda game?: OoT. I love the sountrack. Favorite Pokemon game?: Blue, was my 1st pokemon (and my 1st addiction too xD) Favorite Anime?: Is Korra an anime? lol What's the recommended level to join?: 120+, idk... ppl lvl so fast in this server that doesnt matter xD.
Name/Age: Henry, 22 IGN/Class/Level: Inprofane / Hero / 143 Country/State(US): USA/TX Something about yourself: I'm pretty bomb at TetrisFriends/TetrisBattle. Accepting all challengers haha. How long have you played MapleRoyals?: About 1.5 months (Yes I play too much) Previous guilds, if any?: Faithful Why did you choose Oblivion?: Bossing is one of my favorite things to do in Royals. Would love to have a regular bossing squad! Also I've met some people that are in the guild and they're all cool people. Favorite Zelda game?: Twilight Princess Favorite Pokemon game?: Sapphire, that game was basically my childhood lol Favorite Anime?: CODE GEASS NO QUESTION What's the recommended level to join?: 135+, slight bias because I love bossing so much haha.
Name/Age: 47/19 IGN/Class/LVL: Bacterium/Arch-Mage(Fire, Poison)/153 Country/State(US): British Columbia, Canada Something About Yourself: I enjoy mathematics, programming, analyzing things, playing games, etc. It's short & sweet How long have you played MapleRoyals: Close to 2-3 years now. I honestly don't remember Previous Guilds, if any: XIII, Galaxy Why did you choose Oblivion?: Well, as time goes I've seen guilds fall apart or die of inactivity. I don't want to say very much, but I have seen XIII and other guilds crumble. After hearing that this is a long lasting guild, I want to not see a guild fall apart. This puts emphasizes on how long I have played this game. Favorite Zelda Game: (Default Answer) Majora's Mask. (Honest Answer) I honestly didn't play Zelda. Please recommend me one. Favorite Pokemon Game: Ok, I don't have a favorite pokemon game because there are many factors on why I like the games. Crystal: First Pokemon Game (Lost it) Emerald: Friends had this game while I didn't and since they have it, I fell in love with it (Relations to friends that had the game) Alpha Sapphire: Lotsa Legendaries plus it's a remake of Sapphire (Currently own it) Favorite Anime: Ok, as I said before I don't a favorite anything. There are some factors that contribute why I like it. The list is in an order on which I can come up with. Additionally it's with anime that are more obscure than the usual anime. This is so I don't have repetition. For example, Clannad, Kanon, Erased, etc. could easily be on the list, but people already know what I(and everybody else) like about it. Hourou Masuko(Wandering Son): After my long anime haitus, mainly because anime stopped airing on TV, I stumbled onto this anime. Basically, it is about a boy, who wants to be a girl. I praise it because it has a scent of realism and recently discovered someone with the same issue on a university confessions board. Emma: I praise this because of it's character development. Even after the first season(yes this anime has 2 seasons), a particular character still shows signs of character development. The execution of the Romeo & Juiliet-isk anime is also worthwhile too. List continues... Ask me if you want to hear more. What is the recommended level to join?: I honestly don't think levels are the issue. Personally, I think experience in the game matters. For example, A person can be level 10 and can spend 1-2 years interacting with others and build up a reputation. But if you ask me directly, I think about level 135 is a sweet spot because you didn't get bored training that character. Final Thoughts: Alright, my final thoughts is that I am in a guild just in case my application doesn't cut it. I am sorry if this news disappoints you. Please feel free to message me if I am accepted or not.
Name/Age: Dante 17 IGN/Class/Level: Dainte/Dk/128 Country/State(US): US/PA Something about yourself: Im a nice person, enjoy making new people but most of all enjoy bossing and getting better gear etc etc How long have you played MapleRoyals? started 2 years ago and I got my DK to 81, I only came back about 3-4 weeks ago where I got to 128 and made a new character and got it to 96(priest) all in that timespan, I am very well acquianted with the server, and the guild invictus was kind enough to invite me, I am joining a bossing guild on this character alone, but I also look forward to meeting new people aswell. I plan to stay in invictus on my priest/bishop. Previous guilds, if any? None Why did you choose Oblivion? I choose it because its one of the very few est/pst/cst time standard guilds and you guys are bossers too! although I cannot boss at the moment i would say im fairly close, considering I leveled very quick and made a priest/bishop to self fund myself, I am very excited to start bossing and really hope you accept my application! Favorite Zelda game?N/A Favorite Pokemon game? Emerald, I enjoyed it a lot, diamond wasnt bad either. Favorite Anime?N/A What's the recommended level to join?120+ or 135+ perhaps, It doesnt really matter aslong as you are dedicated and can progress quickly, I think thats what matters in the long run, If the reco level is 135 and that person stays 135 for 2 months that means nothing, someone who is 100 and can surpass them in 1-2 weeks is more valuable, espically in a bossing guild.
Apologies to all of the recent applicants! I haven't been checking the thread because we currently aren't recruiting (As stated in the prefix). I'll try to make some room soon and reply to your applications. I've made space! I hope you are all still interested in joining ^o^ Accepted! Please contact a Junior Master for an invite! Accepted! Please contact a Junior Master for an invite! Wow, amazing application! Accepted! Please contact a Junior Master for an invite! Also I'll recommend Zelda: A Link to the Past! Oldschool, simple, and fun! Also, your name is 47? Can't agree more with your answer to the recommended level question! Accepted! Please contact a Junior Master for an invite!
Name/Age: Arthur 16 IGN/Class/Level: Enjoyful/ Dragon Knight/ 71 Country/State(US):Canada, Ontario Something about yourself: I love to play video games and socialize with other people ^_^ How long have you played MapleRoyals? About 2 months now Previous guilds, if any? Urban Why did you choose Oblivion? It's such a sick guild from what I see. I talked to a couple of people from there and they are very nice. I would love to be apart of the family <3 Favorite Zelda game? Dont have one Favorite Pokemon game? FireRed, Emerald, SoulSilver. My top 3 Favorite Anime? Initial D What's the recommended level to join? 120+ Honestly in my opinion level doesnt really matter. Its all about having fun and that's all it matters. Having fun will give you more experience in this game
Name/Age: Tito, 24 IGN/Class/Level: IcariusS / Shadower / 130 Country/State(US): Venezuela, Zulia. Something about yourself: i like to eat pizza, but who doesn't ? How long have you played MapleRoyals? like a year. Previous guilds, if any? Prevalence, now is dead. Why did you choose Oblivion? Oblivion choose me :3 Na, do GPQ is fun, and there is no too many guilds doing gpq :c Favorite Zelda game? This is hard, all zeldas are 10 point games, but if i have to choose 1. A link to the past. Favorite Pokemon game? Ruby. Favorite Anime? Full Metal Alchemist is my religion What's the recommended level to join? Level to join wut ? Well, in nostalgia maple any level is recommended as long as you have friends to party with
Thank you for allowing me into the guild. Yes, my name is 47. I'll try to download the patch and contact a Jr. Master as soon as possible.
Aight so. Today 13/05/16 Eli let us join him in his BG-A, BG-B and Boss killing. Talking a lot and having some fun with our great leader. Shoutout to Enjoyful (The most happiest guy i ever meet), Eli (Salty old fart) and Cupidlove (So fking Pink. love it) OBLIVION #1
Name/Age: 19 IGN/Class/Level: Ioyal, bandit, 51 What are your plans for this character? I don't generally set goals because I see them as limiting, but I suppose reaching 200 is my main focus. Who are your other characters? I only have a priest mule atm aside from my bandit Country/State(US): Born and raised in southern cali, currently living in Cluj, Romania Something about yourself: I have a very unhealthy addiction to trading stocks. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Approximately 2 weeks. I played Extalia on and off since release and came back to see it was gone. Previous guilds, if any? I've only been in one guild called Effect which I've been in since I joined Royals, but the lead is very occupied with real life business so I decided it's best to leave and find a permanent location for my character. Why did you choose Oblivion? I've seen a lot of players in this guild and thought I'd make a good addition to the whole scheme. Favorite Zelda game? Ocarina of Time hands down, Twilight Princess was decent. I wasn't really a fan of any of the rest. I most recently played Skyward Sword and was not impressed. Favorite Pokemon game? I'm biased toward Red since I have the most time on it, but Pearl was also good. Favorite Anime? Angel Beats, Death Note
Hi ... (you never said your name) But i'm sorry to inform you we're not recruiting atm and to be honest i don't think we will anytime soon!
I miss you all. One day I'll be back, i swear. Ok, pulling the hook, i have some salutes. Salute to Eli (fuck u u expelled IcedBR due to inactivity) jk i dont mind lol. I always respected and fully appreciated ur skills as a Leader, thanks for showing respect on the guild introduction for the Jr's that currently are not actives. this is a good intended heart act, sincerely. @Eli Salute to Brandon - Man you are in the strict group of the most trustlabe persons of this game. @StaticShock Salute to Ben - u funny ass mofo @dingus Salute to Seb - For always being my SE mule @Seb Salute to Dean - Rest In Peace man @Experience Salute to the other Ben @Sheik Salute to Kaim - You are lazy @omnom1337 Salute to Stan - You should stop falling in love to maple girls man, follow my lead and do it only once per day not 5 times. @Stan Salute to San - You qtpie (sorry I forgot your forum name) Salute to Glenn - For every time that i log in for coming to say hi and then asking for my gear that's a lot of love bro. @Rough And to the all the Oblivion friends that i didn't mention, sorry. I'm writing this in a rush. Missing you guys. Bye. <3