IGN | LEVEL | JOB: PATT | 72 | White Knight NAME | AGE: Pat | 20 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Bangkok, Thailand | GMT + 7 WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: I just started royals about a week or two and all i do is grinding all day long. I think it'd be nice if i could have some new friends to talk with and you guys look so cute and friendly! *by the way, FIRST COMMENT!
IGN/Level/Job: Arim/24/Archer Name/Age: Gianfranco/19 Location/Timezone: Peru/GMT-5 Why do you want to join Lotus: I want to try out a new guild and you guys look fresh. I also have a bishop lvl 157, Imma start leeching this nub attacker! Feel free to ask for my bishop if you need me for something ^^
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: LeechBreh/Ultimate- 85/71- Priest/Crusader. NAME | AGE: Andy ,18 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: New York, EST WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Started playing this game not too long ago, I've made some pretty nice progress throughout but I need more people to play with and people to talk to. I think it would be great to join an active guild since the last guild I was in disbanded because of inactivity. The guild activities should also be fun.
Hi Andy! Whisper one of our jrs in game and we'll gladly accept you! or me my ign is tatert0ts (its a zero) since i maple like a true no lifer XD
IGN: BaconLord47| LEVEL: 136 | JOB: Bishooop NAME: Thomas| AGE: 22 LOCATION: West Coast(cali) | TIMEZONE: PST WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Because Michi is hawt <3<3<3
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: Vano , 7x , Priest NAME | AGE: Ivan , 27 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Russia , UTC +2 WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Lotus seems like pretty fun and talkactive guild
hoooow would youuuu know we're talkative anyways accepted! just shoot one of the jrs a whisper ^-^ or me ign: Tatert0ts (o is a zero )
Just here to say: Careful Vano, Tatert0ts is a dangerous and violent f/p mage ! Don't follow her to goblins.
Accepted! Another plady! XD just whisper me in game with the word Pickles~ ign: Tatert0ts ( its a zero) or any of the other jrs! welcome to lotus <3
sono|64(and climbing)|spearman Ahmad|16 THE 6IXXXXX|EST I wanna join lotus cause it sounds super lit and im pretty new to this server. I've never played old ms so im getting into the feeling of grinding and i like it a lot so far! Hope to join you guys!