As the title states, where do i train after lvl 80(have been training from 58-80 at gs2) exp is really slow at current level. I'm unfunded, don't wanna buy leech to level. I do around 2-3k I think. I tried Wolf spider but the mob have like 28k hp it takes quite abit to kill 1. Need some help for training. Please guide me. Thank you for the respond!
You should definitely let us know what class you are. WS have a lot of health but if you have good crowd control you can amass ridiculous exp from them. Coupled with great drops and great spawn they are the "perfect" map in your range. Deep Sea Gorge is a decent alternative and can be quite fun, training underwater.
If you can't kill the WS efficiently on your own, try joining a wolf spider party! Sorry that this is off topic, but hey shaco! It's been a long time!
Alright I'll try and find a WS party if possible! Besides, heyy Justin!! How have you been? I suppose you're back to mapleroyals? haha