I will never give up! I personally think instead of a wipe (which will likely never happen), just adding a second world that allows people for new, restarted experience, economy, competition, etc. would be great and bring back old players and possibly bring in new ones. I first started here March of last year and quit in August and was turned off by how many godly items were around. Fast forward another year and it's crazy how many capes, shoes, and perfect weapons there are. Maybe tweak voting NX, white scrolls, or chaos scrolls in the new world, maybe not. For those worried about population, when I joined there were 250-350 players at a time and it was not too low at all, so I honestly don't believe that would be a problem. Continue the new world hype! Bye gais <3
im sorry you get discouraged to play by other peoples items and hard work. ive been playing this server for 3 years and i would vote no on the new world. especially when you play in a time zone where only like 400-500 are online.
If you really wish to say it like that I was the first person to make a perfect 139 sky ski and had plenty of good items... just saying. but anyways #nevergiveup
I personally support the addition of a new world. There are a lot of issues with royals. Servers don't normally need to worry about them because servers don't normally stay up for over 3 years. There is a serious issue revolving chaos scrolls as a whole. Instead of end game consisting of working as hard as you can to get the best gear that you can. It's whoever gets lucky gets the best gear in the game. Chaos scrolls as a whole are completely flawed. I understand that this issue can't be fixed without a wipe. So I would support a new world with a different method of scrolling shoes/capes for attack. I think an npc that acts as a cape/shoe atk scroll could work. There could be a 10% chance of the "scroll" passing, and it would add something along the lines of 3 atk. You would have the choice to use a white scroll. You would also have to pay a hefty price to actually use the scroll. Of course this is still RNG based. But maplestory revolves around scrolling, so you can't really avoid that. I believe other changes would have to be made as well. Whether that be nerfing gobies, which should have happened a long time ago, or just simply having a fully functional HT for the entire duration of the world. Idk if the playbase is large enough just yet. But I definitely think it's getting close to being the right size to justify making a new world.
The only reason a second world should be considered is if the population of players is so huge that it would support it. That has to happen before anything else. I see where this thread is going and don't think we need another one.
Are Chaos Scrolls a problem because of their availability? If there were another way to obtain them, or at least an easier chance in gacha, would that be healthier for the game? Quite a few items are reliant on CS's, such as facestompers and PGC's, but the rarity of the scrolls make it so that only the richest of people can attempt scrolling with them.
No, the issue is that the majority of end game equips are heavily dependent on amazing rng. Having more chaos scrolls would just leech to more insanely OP equips entering the game. Which would lead to the drop in price of these equips. The flaw when it comes to chaos scrolls is in its design, nothing else. This was eventually fixed, I guess, later on in GMS. When they added scrolls such as "Prime scrolls" which gave a set amount of stat rather than random stats which could decrease the stat you already obtained. These scrolls are fairly difficult to obtain. That's why I suggested just adding in an npc which acts as a shoe/cape atk scroll. But it would cost an incredibly hefty price to attempt to use the npc. This would take away a lot of the rng revolved around end game gear on this server. Of course passing a 10% scroll is still rng. But this makes end game gear much less dependent on luck, and rather makes it dependent on actually earning impressive gear.
I had voted yes to another world.... not because of the godly equips currently in server. I don't really think it's too much of a problem....I still can't afford them. I voted yes because it would be nice to experience the game as it was when MS was first released....where I grew rich from selling steelies and ores haha
I agree. Our community is still kinda "new" and "small" to split it like that. Maybe in the future but I don't see a reason for it right now.
I voted 'Yes, with some changes made compared to the original world if possible'. I don't really see any point in adding a new world if it were to be the exact same. So one that I would like to see would be basically a 'hard mode' world instead. A few examples of changes on the world could be... Removal of Chaos scrolls and White scrolls entirely, removal of level 100+ weapons from Gachapon, something done in regards to leeching to make it no longer a viable way of levelling and possibly a nerf to mage ultimates with a small cooldown which I guess could be countered with buffs to their other mage attacks - or something along those lines.
An Hardcore Maple?… Sounds cool!. Most of the MapleStory servers offers a way to easy game play with x8 exp and the like so, a harder one… why not? Feel the real MapleWorld. Show your true strength. lol
I like this idea, however I'm wondering how different it's progress and updates are gonna be compared to the original world. Plus don't you think we're raising the bar a little high for the original world already? Considering people would actually have to repurchase their NX gear all the time and hair / face coupons would not longer cost mesos, which is fair, but really expensive. And also if UM are gonna get nerfed, would it be possible to get a different balance for classes than the one that the original world is going to have? Maybe one that's a little bit more fair like actually nerf the strongest classes and boost the weak ones to kinda match their strength? I get the idea "they're just for fun" but I think that every class was being worked on pretty hard by Wizet and it should be more than just that. I really like the knuckle pirates for example, their skills are impressive and seem really fun, but their damage is so underwhelming that you won't actually benefit anything from playing them except SI. Lol sorry these are just things I'd be concern about if we are planing on creating a hardcore world.
I have no idea, and we haven't planned anything. I was just giving my input to the thread in regards to if we were to ever create a new world that I would rather see one that is different than the same. I haven't put much additional thought into it apart from what went through my head when I was typing the message.
I feel that if we add another world it should be a completely different experience. -Remove NX from it, preventing Gachapon and endgame gear from being automatically obtained. It also removes the issue of buying "TP" rocks. -Remove scrolls. Hunt your own weapons and equipment. You don't like what you got? Go find another one. -Remove Leech EXP. You want to level? Do it. Don't rely on someone else who you paid to do your work. What about upgrading? Hunt required materials to be rewarded scrolls. (Make these scrolls untradeable). You want the best materials? You gotta find them.
- Removing NX and Gachapon completely would decrease the number of votes. - You could still buy items from other players. Even if scrolls were untradeable, items would be tradable. I don't like this, personally. I farmed Bubblings for 8 hours with a friend and we didn't even get one godly pair of mage shoes. - You could still buy leech from someone around your level, for lower rates. Or do you intend to remove the party system whole?