Late af introduction but an intro nonetheless. My name is Anthony i'm 21 and from Australia. I enjoyed playing games since I was young, I never really was the full on competitive and expert type to master the games but I was quite addicted and that led me to playing games especially on PC for the following years of my life. I enjoy playing Dota and Maple , these 2 games have been the ones I've played most in my life I can say. I am quite intuitive and empathic as much as it may not seem, I guess that's who I am and I found it difficult to express that side of myself throughout my life , probably cause most people aren't that way or see it as something else like being weak or gay/weird? I still find it difficult to this day. Alot of people think I'm arrogant or selfish when it comes to maple, I agree that sometimes I let the game get the better of me however I remind myself that it's just a game and try not to fall there. I am playing Maple now because I guess this is where I ended up after awhile of living a lifestyle that wasn't really good for me and hung out with the wrong people so I decided for the betterment of me and my family I instinctively strayed from that path and from then just slowly resorted to isolation at home away from everyone, until I found MapleStory Private Servers and enjoyed playing it more than ever. I started off with Extalia reaching to 207 as a Hero then I think I got banned for something followed by a few lowkey v62s and 83s that never really made it anywhere but it was in those servers that I moved up in the competitive side of MS and tested myself through the ranks, although they were small servers with playerbases of 25-40 I still felt proud of myself for staying at Rank 1 on almost every one of them so I'm used to that feel where the spotlight is on me, I can say that here at Royals it's much different haha you'd have to work super hard in order to get that as standing out from the rest here involves alot of big factors of achievement. So yeah I like to grind, listen to music when I play (hardstyle and trance yo), eat good food and think about shit that is too absurd for my own good. Feel free to add me in game on Rips/Suns, Pce
I'd like to say welcome Anthony but it seems you've been here too long for that Glad to see that Royals has presented a challenge for you!
Late welcome to MapleRoyals fellow Aussie!! I'm sure you'll find some great friends on this server like I have. I used to play on Extalia too under the IGN, 'QuackersMoo' (and still do on this server, lol) Feel free to hmu if you ever get bored!! I'm a hardcore foodie and i'm fucking proud of it.
Hey thanks and I'll add you once I'm on just taking a break atm since Royals been draining my life but ya australia is the best country ey Hi Kai