Okay so I completely agree with having 60% chaos scrolls only being obtainable through gachapon. It helps regulate the items and make sure there's not too many godlies floating around. So my suggestion is chaos scrolls that are dropped by the monsters that normall dropped chaos scrolls in GMS. BUT HOWEVER, there will be a catch. The chaos scrolls obtained from monster drops should have a 30% or so success rate. This way it will be easier to obtain chaos scrolls, but still won't be too easy to scroll godly items. Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion!
There's already a huge issue with there being way too many chaosed items in the game. Adding more chaos scrolls to the game is in no way going to help the server.
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't realize there was that many chaosed items out there. Sorry if this was a bad suggestion
Its cool man. Offering suggestions is just a way of expressing how you feel the game could improve on, which is completely fine! But I have to agree with ImCanadian, as there definitely are way too many chaosed items on the server. Remember, don't be afraid to leave suggestions! Hearing from the community is what makes this server great imo.
I'm not taking any sides yet, but what do people mean with 'too many chaosed items'? Why are there 'too many'?
I think we should have miraculous chaos scrolls(give better stats then chaos scrolls) ;p.. 60% success rate, with 100% chance of booming if fail.. Now that will help the economy,
There are just simply way too many atk shoes/capes in the game atm. Having a 10+ atk shoe/cape doesn't mean nearly as much as it should (IMO). Mchaos are even more flawed than regular chaos. Why would you want that o.o.
Or just make it to where chaos scrolls blow up your item to begin with. This would prevent more power creep.
You could just use it on the first slot, maybe the second, then chaos the rest. Extremely flawed. Hopefully itll never be added. Too late for that. There are already 20+ atk shoes/cape. Nearly a 30 atk shoe.
I unno, seems better than adding something that could potentially add MORE creep. Sure the downside is poofing an item, but its still 60%. If it was below 50% then that might be more acceptable as mathematically, people would be losing more items than they would be gaining better stats.
You cant really say there are "too many" chaosed items in the game when its literally a part of the game if you want to participate in good Boss runs, and overall making the leveling experience better for yourself. And its a small minority of the games players have 20+ att capes/shoes/gloves. I'm always in favour of more ways to get chaos scrolls rather then just waiting for gacha or grinding gobies anyway.
I am not against the idea of having chaos scrolls drop from some mobs at a really low rate, either same mobs as in GMS, like with drum bunnies, or maybe add it to different maps to give more incentive to train at unpopular maps. Maybe Ludi clock tower, mu lung/herb town etc.. New source does introduce some new NX options so there will be more to spend it on than Gachapon all the time.
This is off topic but someone needs to help me understand this right now. Exactly how much money can you make per hour at gobies that people feel the need to keep citing it like it's a key problem in the server? I felt I could make similar money in certain other maps unless I'm doing gobies entirely wrong. I had assumed the problem was not gobies so much as 2x drop and the sheer mesos generated from equip drops across the board.
The issue is that "good" attack gear is quickly losing value. A 10 attack cape used to be really good. Now if you don't have that or better you're doing something wrong. Also the fact that end game gear is based completely off insane RNG off chaos scrolls is ridiculous. Depending on how many hits it takes to kill the goby houses, is you have si, how much speed you have. It can be around 60m+ per hour in pure meso, plus the scrolls, ore, godly equips. Also if you're selling leech you can make insane amounts per hour. Gobies has devalued power crystal ores, steel ore, claw atk 60s, gun atk 60s, and oa Dex 60s. It's just overall an incredibly op map.
gobies generates new mesos, rather than going to other places where u just recycle already existing mesos from other players mainly. with si (which btw shouldnt work for mages afaik) gobies is superior to any other place.
I don't think there's a problem with any of that. This is just the natural progression of a server and its economy. I'm actually glad there's randomness in chaos scrolls because it means we're going to eventually slow down on how good end game gear will get. Sure, there's lots of 6-10 attack capes around, but as you go up in attack they get much rarer. The best cape should be 33 attack (3atk + 5atk godly modifier + 25 atk from 5 chaos scrolls), but I think I heard the strongest cape is 22 or 23 atk right now. We still haven't hit the ceiling and we aren't going to for a while. IMO that gives the game a sense of progression even when you're at the end. The server still hasn't seen true, perfect end-game gear yet.