I looted a 19 22 16 22 Zhelm and completely failed the scrolling. It only ended up having 32 DEX by the end (a +10 increase), but I feel it's an accomplishment to loot this great of a helmet in the first place.
Bishop DC'd after 10 minutes, and no Books dropped , but first run ayy( also I didnt die - get rekt Akira) P.S - ty Tony bb
Just started and leveled to 24. Thanks heaps to Zepo who I met during tutorial and members of Pastels for the help ^^
Spoiler: seriously tho.....godly gacha thrilled to be back after a two month absence..... i fucking love tuna
Got my bandit to level 70 yesterday and did my advancement. Today tested my meso explosion skills; killed bf (leveled 4 times) and like 8 hh's. Got to lvl 78.
Spoiler: Islsnder Spoiler: Equip Got to Lv33 the other day as I've been playing 30min-1hr a day. Joined the PiggyPatrol as well and I didn't realize how many Islanders there were. I've still been searching for scrolls for my pants, shoes, hat, and top. I've had 0 luck on making them successful. Can't really think of anything else that happened since my last post. Spoiler: Spearman Spoiler: Equip Went on 2 Zakum runs today which makes it my 4th. The first run of the day I DCed at the beginning of 3rd body since I was late on the graphics thing. I tried again with buying 4k potions, changing the timing on when it would use it, and I managed to het a helm(pictured above). Managed to merch my way up to 140mil before getting the helm which is nice. Went to try FoG since someone in LMPQ told me "You're slow at doing 5/8. Just let me do it next time.". I normally finish around 12:30 or so, but whatever. Tomorrow I'd like to hit either 64 or 65 so I can use a new spear I got that I'll show off later. Right now, I just want to get some Red Ciders for the 3rd job fight. Might make a video out of it if I feel like it. Spoiler: Crossbowman Deiced to start working on my Crossbowman. Didn't get too far since I didn't want to work much on it. Got to Lv16 and now I'm trying to decide where to train. Might try Bubblings or some other place that I can find. Spoiler: Perm Beginner Been wanting to make one for the past week since I found a good deal on a Tuna and Mop. Got to Lv16 as well and went to Bubblings only to find out I have 0 accuracy to hit them. I guess I'll keep at it at Slimes for a while til I can actually hit them or someone can leech me. Note: As I was typing the Crossbowman part, someone decided to shoot off a firework. And I was about to type the rest of this out, they did it again. Like, could you fucking not?!
~Late Night Scrolling Adventures Continues~ @Dakker Buy this: Do this: Spoiler: spoiler I was originally going to edit this video but after 1 hour of 'editing' I realized how shit I was and scratched it all...Except one part! (^: Slowly feeding the royals community with precious 18 atk gear <:
How much did you buy Tim's scroll hacks for Spoiler But CONGRATS! Game really doesn't want you to leave :^)
So I am not really sure why I 'wasted' a chaos on the hat, especially because of how poor I am, but the results were very good lol.
I was not sure where to post this but ill give it a shot here. Since @irmy recently had to quit royals she decided to give me her items so they would be kept in safe hands. Now i know what you are all thinking, "Jeez William since Irmy have been an active memeber for 1 and a half year she must have given you some really good items with all the grinding that she did" Now i dont like to brag and sadly Irmy already name tagged her items so i couldnt steal them (i would if i could) but i still think i owe the community to show off what she gave me Spoiler Dont worry Irmy, i will keep your treasures safe
ok. - ~Zynzer's chaos scrolling Adventures continues~ - Copy this: Buy this: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-13wa-3-slots-pgc.71143/#post-370501 Do this: - If I'd use Tim's scroll hacks it'd become 22 and not 23 - tl;dr