22atk scg value 20b~ and 19atk pgc value 31b source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-19-wa-pink-gaia-cape.40240/#post-221770
hi beginner here, mind if i ask help you get the cape to 23 wa? and +5 but i dont seem to see any luk or str on it ?
Pink gaia capes [https://royals.ms/library/?page=items&id=1102084] naturally has 1-9 weapon attack when its clean. In order to gain more weapon attack you need to use a chaos scroll. A chaos scroll [https://royals.ms/library/?page=items&id=1102084] can either make any of the stats go up or down. (the limit is (-5) - +5) This applies to ALL stats that the item currently has, so in my instance it can (-5) - +5 the weapon attack, the weapon defence and the magic defence on the pink gaia cape! Here's a video of me scrolling the cape incase you want to see a demonstration on how it works.
You need to complete this quest http://bbb.hidden-street.net/quest/victoria-island/the-wandering-alchemist-eureks-new-skill in order to recieve the skill. The skill is called Legendary Spirit & it will be located in Beginner's Basics (0st job) once you've completed the quest. This skill comes in handy when you want to scroll something that you cant equip due to job, stats and/or level requirements.